MicroStart: A Guide for Planning, Starting and Managing a Microfinance Programme.

A. Background
  1. Why Microfinance?
  2. What is the MicroStart Guide?

B. Why Assist Microenterprises?

C. The MicroStart Model

  1. Objectives
  2. Which Organizations Can Benefit
  3. Methodology
D. Successful Microfinance
  1. Common Myths and Realities
  2. Lessons: Why Do Projects Fail?
  3. What Works

Chapter One
A. Planning Overview
  1. The Planning Cycle
  2. Planning Tips
  3. Team-Based Planning
  4. The Proposal Outline
B. Preparing the Plan
  1. The Mission and Summary
    a. The Mission
    b. Plan Summary
    c. Sample Mission and Summary
  2. Organization Review
    a. The Review Process
    b. Sample Organization Review
  3. Strategic Environment
    a. Analysis
    b. Sample Strategic Environment
  4. Market
    a. Understanding Your Market
    b. Market Background
    c. Selection Criteria
    d. Survey Questions
    e. Research
    f. Market Profile
    g. Sample Market
  5. Marketing Plan
    a. Elements
    b. Sample Market Plan
  6. Financial Services
    a. A Loan Decription
    b. Inflation, Interest Rates and Payment Period
    c. Sample Credit Programme
  7. The Organization Plan
    a. Successful Staffing
    b. The Organization
    c. Sample Organization
  8. Work Plan
    a. The Role of the Field Agents
    b. Key Concepts
    c. Growth Plan
    d. Sample Growth Plan
  9. Governance, Management and Advisors
    a. Governance
    b. Bylaws
    c. The Board and Management
    d. Sample Governance, Management and Advisors
  10. The Budget
    a. The Budget Process
    b. General Categories
    c. Other Budget Items
    d. Sample Budget
  11. Funding
    a. Types of Funds
    b. Funding Tips
    c. Sample Funding
Chapter Two
A. Overview of Group Methodology
  1. Success of Group Lending
  2. Group Lending Guidelines
  3. Loan Approval
  4. Forming Credit Groups
B. Staffing
  1. Job Description
  2. Compensation
C. Field Goals
  1. The Preliminary Field Schedule
  2. Sample Field Schedule and Goals
D. Marketing
  1. Before you Start
  2. Marketing Steps
  3. The Marketing Visit
  4. The Information Meeting
  5. Sample Presentation
E. Forming Credit Groups
  1. The Role of the Credit Group
  2. The Role of the Field Agent
  3. Group Development Meetings
  4. Questions for Group Bylaws
  5. Duties of Group Officers
  6. Loan Application Meeting
  7. Sample Loan Application
  8. Site Visits
  9. Sample Site Visit Form
  10. Credit Group Certification
F. Making Loans
  1. Loan Processing Steps
  2. Loan Processing
  3. Loan Disbursal

Chapter Three
A. Introduction

B. Organizing Credit Records

  1. Organizing Paperwork
  2. Organizing the Ledger
  3. Sample Ledger
  4. Basic Record Flow
  5. Modifying Documentation
C. Loan Payments
  1. Sample Passbook
  2. Sample Transfer Report
  3. Cash Handling
  4. Posting Receipts
D. Overdue Payments
  1. General Principles
  2. Remedial Steps
  3. Non-payment Report
  4. Delinquency Detail
E. Accounting
  1. Major Elements
  2. Balance Sheet
  3. Income Statement
  4. Transaction Journal
  5. Sample Transaction Journal
  6. Paper Trail
F. Reporting
  1. Setting Goals
  2. What is Success
  3. Responding to Stakeholders
  4. Importance of Audits
  5. Minimum Reporting Information
G. Ratios
  1. Performance Ratios
  2. Operating Efficiency Ratios
  3. Financial Strength
  4. Cash Flow