(4) Transaction Journal
Bookkeeping involves the
day-to-day tracking and handling of
money whereas accounting
classifies and summarizes these
inflows and outflows. The
Accountant may recommend that
the Bookkeeper be responsible only
for bookkeeping. This will depend
on the volume of activity and the
skill level of the Bookkeeper In an
active project, bookkeeping tasks
require full-time attention. These
tasks include:
- making bank deposits;
- paying bills and salaries;
- filing deposit slips and invoices;
- filing Transfer Reports from the field;
- posting transactions to the Transaction Journal.
If the Bookkeeper is more highly
trained, s/he may also be
responsible for posting amounts to
the proper accounting categories.
At the heart of the Bookkeeping
process is the Transaction Journal,
used to record all the money
flowing in and out. It will include
inflows such as loan payments and
outflows such as
salaries. Entries must be made to
the Transaction Journal with enough
detail so that the inflows and
outflows can be classified to the
proper category.
As mentioned earlier, it is likely that
an outside Accountant will be
retained to prepare periodic
Financial Statements. At the start
of your first lending cycle, this
Accountant should meet with the
Bookkeeper to explain how certain
routine transactions are to be
posted so that the proper category
breakdowns are used. For example,
inflows from loan payments must be
entered into the Transaction Journal
in two categories. The principal
amount received will be one entry
and the interest amount will be a
separate entry.
The Bookkeeper must be diligent in
maintaining the Transaction Journal.
If not, it will be nearly impossible to
prepare Financial Statements, to
report regularly to donors, or to
measure the performance.
Follow these simple rules
regarding the Transaction Journal:
- Post an entry for every dollar
received or spent;
- Record amount accurately.
Double cheek your work.;
- Handle recurring transactions
consistently each time they
- Retain and file a deposit
slip for each dollar
- Retain an invoice for each
dollar paid out.
The entries made in the
Transaction Journal are used by
the outside Accountant to prepare
a trial balance, income statement,
and balance sheet.
(5) Sample Transaction Journal