The Sustainable
Tourism Gateway

Declarations, Charters and Codes
Declarations, Charters and Codes
A number of regional and international conferences and meetings have generated some very interesting visions and scenarios - presented below - of the way in which sustainable tourism is and should be, developing.

The challenge lies in taking these declarations, charters and codes, and creating sustainable policies at the micro level, that cumulatively lead to sustainable development of the tourism sector.

GDRC is a member of
The Partnership for
GDRC endorses and supports the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria

International Ecotourism Standard
The International Ecotourism Standard has been developed by Ecotourism Australia in conjunction with the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Sustainable Tourism of Australia. The Standard is available online

Comments and suggestions on addition of resources are welcome! Please send an email to Dr. Hari Srinivas at

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