The Sustainable
Tourism Gateway

Documents and Reports
Documents and Reports on Sustainable Tourism
As with sustainability in general, sustainable tourism documents and reports tend to focus more on the environmental aspects, and overlap with eco-tourism issues. But a gradual balance in understanding of the broader socio-cultural, economic and environmental issues is helping raise the importance of sustainable tourism, particularly in developing countries.

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Cities to absorb growth in world tourism:
International tourist arrivals in 1995 were 563 million and are expected to reach 1.6 billion by the year 2020. These forecasts use a conservative growth rate of 4.3% and 6.7% respectively; less than the current growth rate. They do not include any domestic tourism which can readily be anticipated to equal the international. It is obvious that most of this increase will have to be absorbed by cities. - World Tourism Organization

Sustainability Indicators
GDRC'sSustainable Development programme has collected a number of resources on indicators for sustainable development. Many are directly and indirectly related to tourism as well.

Comments and suggestions on addition of resources are welcome! Please send an email to Dr. Hari Srinivas at

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