Sustainable Tourism
WSSD, Johannesburg Plan of Implementation:
Chapter IV, Paragraph 43 - Sustainable Tourism Development

WSSD, Johannesburg Plan of Implementation: Chapter IV, Paragraph 43 - Sustainable Tourism Development

The overriding theme of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg was to address some of the most pressing concerns of poverty and the environment. Commitments were made to increase access to clean water and proper sanitation, to increase access to energy services, to improve health conditions and agriculture and to better protect the world's biodiversity and ecosystems.

The major outcome document, the Plan of Implementation, contains targets and timetables to spur action on a wide range of issues including a commitment to reverse the trend of losses of biodiversity by 2010, and an important decision to cease destructive fishing practices and establish marine protected areas and networks by 2012.

WSSD addressed sustainable tourism in Chapter IV, paragraph 43 of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation:

  1. Promote sustainable tourism development, including non-consumptive and eco-tourism, taking into account the spirit of the International Year of Eco-tourism 2002, the United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage in 2002, the World Eco-tourism Summit 2002 and its Quebec Declaration, and the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism as adopted by the World Tourism Organization in order to increase the benefits from tourism resources for the population in host communities while maintaining the cultural and environmental integrity of the host communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and natural heritages. Promote sustainable tourism development and capacity-building in order to contribute to the strengthening of rural and local communities. This would include actions at all levels to:

    1. Enhance international cooperation, foreign direct investment and partnerships with both private and public sectors, at all levels;
    2. Develop programmes, including education and training programmes, that encourage people to participate in eco-tourism, enable indigenous and local communities to develop and benefit from eco-tourism, and enhance stakeholder cooperation in tourism development and heritage preservation, in order to improve the protection of the environment, natural resources and cultural heritage;
    3. Provide technical assistance to developing countries and countries with economies in transition to support sustainable tourism business development and investment and tourism awareness programmes, to improve domestic tourism, and to stimulate entrepreneurial development;
    4. Assist host communities in managing visits to their tourism attractions for their maximum benefit, while ensuring the least negative impacts on and risks for their traditions, culture and environment, with the support of the World Tourism Organization and other relevant organizations;
    5. Promote the diversification of economic activities, including through the facilitation of access to markets and commercial information, and participation of emerging local enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

While focusing on a wide range of issues, the Plan also makes several references to sustainable tourism:

  • Chapter 41 of the Plan of Implementation promotes sustainable tourism development as a means to increase the benefits from tourism resources for the population in host communities while maintaining the cultural and environmental integrity of the host communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and natural heritages.
  • Chapter 64 calls for support of Africa's efforts to attain sustainable tourism that contributes to social, economic and infrastructure development through a variety of measures.

Throughout the Plan references to sustainable tourism are made in relation to:

  • energy conservation and emissions control (Chapter 19)
  • biodiversity conservation (Chapter 42)
  • Small Island Development States (Chapter 52)

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