Heritage Conservation
Developing a Heritage Conservation Strategy

Heritage ...
...  and urban identity / pride
...  is more than history
...  needs community participation
 and involvement
...  leads to well-being / human security
...  is critical to job creation
 and poverty alleviation
...  helps preserve intangible local cultures
 strongly influences sustainability goals
...  through localization, contextualization
 and customization.
Heritage Conservation
... strongly influences sustainability goals
A good heritage conservation strategy inherently takes into account, the long term sustainability goals of the region


eritage Conservation strongly influences sustainability goals - A good heritage conservation strategy inherently takes into account, the long term sustainability goals of the region

  • Developing a local meaning to sustainability
    Much as a small local problem cumulatively becomes a global problem, sustainability also starts with small, local actions taken individually and on a daily basis. It is these small actions that eventually helps attain broad sustainable development goals. Sustainable development, by its very definition, is local in its meaning!

  • But sustainability is about people
    That is why, at the center of the sustainability thrust, is the ordinary citizen, lending a lifestyle, sustainable or not, that has an eventual influence on the global environment. Sustainability is about changing individual behaviours, about lifestyles choices and about reducing our ecological impacts.

  • Conservation is historical, cultural, and also ecological.
    Using sustainability as an eventual goal in conservation strategies has the added, multiplier benefits that will accrue over time. Conservation has to therefore include issues related not only to cultural and historical, but to ecological and natural assets of the locality as well.

  • Promoting heritage conservation through sustainability goals
    Putting a value to the local assets that we appreciate - historical, cultural and ecological - is the starting point for heritage conservation and preservation. By assigning such a value, we ensure that " ... the needs of the present do not compromise those of future generations" Aiming for longer-term sustainability will include conserving heritage assets as well, because it calls for maintaining a delicate balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving local resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend.
