Heritage Conservation
Developing a Heritage Conservation Strategy

Heritage ...
...  and urban identity / pride
...  is more than history
...  needs community participation
 and involvement
 leads to well-being / human security
...  is critical to job creation
 and poverty alleviation
...  helps preserve intangible local cultures
...  strongly influences sustainability goals
...  through localization, contextualization
 and customization.
Heritage Conservation
... leads to well-being and human security
A good heritage conservation strategy should also have well-being and human security as some of its eventual goals for the local community.


eritage Conservation leads to well-being and human security - A good heritage conservation strategy should also have well-being and human security as some of its eventual goals for the local community.

  • Well-being and human security
    'Human security' has to be seen as an outcome of multiple and interacting processes. Economic, demographic, environmental, and social issues are increasingly recognized as affecting human security. It is achieved when and where individuals and communities have the options necessary to end, mitigate, or adapt to risks to their human, environmental, and social rights. It is also achieved when communities have the capacity and freedom to exercise these options; and actively participate in attaining these options. These individually and collectively, affect the overall well-being of our societies.

  • Components of human security
    Human security is concerned with safeguarding and expanding people's vital freedoms. It requires both protecting people from critical and pervasive threats and empowering people to take charge of their own lives. Protection refers to the norms, policies and institutions essential to shield people and implies a 'top-down approach', such as the rule of law and democratic governance. Empowerment underscores the role of people as actors and participants and implies a 'bottom-up' approach.

  • Where does heritage conservation come in?
    If planned and implemented properly, conserving and preserving the local heritage assets provides a rallying point for people to work together, and to feel a sense of pride in their locality. This attachment to local heritage assets eventually results in a sense of well-being for the local community.

  • Need for action to achieve well-being
    A critical issue in the well-being of a community is the use of local heritage assets to generate feelings of belonging and pride. This has to be fostered by targeting action, catering to economic, environmental and social needs of the community. Heritage conservation strategies should cater to these needs, making it an integral part of the development of the region (for example, job creation, education, income generation etc.).
