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Urban Environmental Management
Capacity Building
   Green Building and


Buildings, people and the environment: Towards a nature-friendly architecture

uildings, infrastructure and the environment are inextricably linked. Energy, materials, water and land are all consumed in the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure. Environmentally and economically sound design and development techniques are critical to design buildings and infrastructure that are sustainable, healthy and affordable.
Education and Awareness Raising Governance and Assessment Methodologies Technology for Action
GDRC's Special Theme on Green construction looks at the issue of green and sustainable buildings and construction processes. It presents the resources as a triple challenge of education and raising awareness, governance and assessment methodologies, and technologies (in the broader sense of the word) for action.

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A Sustainability Toolbox

Management Tools Series E-028

See GDRC's flagship magazine on
Sustainable Architecture via Flipboard:

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Contact: Hari Srinivas -