Urban Environmental Management




A repository of Information on Urban Japan
Aims and Objectives:
The Japan Urban Observatory (JUO) aims at bringing together disparate urban resources in Japan on a three pronged approach:
- Research and development
- Education and Training
- Policy and programme development
It has three key functions - (1) develop an information repository (in terms of gathering, collating, packaging and disseminating information); (2) collate research and training resources (in terms of organizing training sessions, and seminars and conferences) and (3) facilitate educational activities (knowledge developed from the activities of the center will be fed back into capacity building exercises.
Activities and Collaborations:
The JUO research aims at highlighting issues at the cutting edge of the urban arena. These will include identification of key challenges faced by urban areas in Japan. It records the tools and strategies that are being used to analyze the local situation and develop innovative solutions at the local level. Decision-making processes, and the resources necessary to facilitate the process, are also be covered.
The Japan Urban Observatory is part of the Global Urban Observatories network initiated by UNCHS (Habitat). More information can be had from the UNCHS Website
Japan's hyper urban cities are low-rise, high density nighbourhoods influenced by disaster risks, aging populations, and other factors, leading to smaller nuclear families ... Urban Japan is a window into what the world's cities/communties may look like in the future.
Recommendations, suggestions and contributions of information for this section are welcome!
Please send an email to the GDRC Coordinator, Hari Srinivas at - hsrinivas@gdrc.org |