A- Brief Report of the Workshop Asia-Regional Workshop Report
"Establishing a Multi-Stakeholders Coalition for the Implementation on UN Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) in Asian Region"Islamabad 26 May 1999: A Regional Workshop to "Establish a Multi-Stakeholders Coalition for the Implementation on UN Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) in Asian Region" was held from 24th-26th May, 1999. This workshop was organized by the Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE), in collaboration with Japan Foundation, United Nations Secretariat of Convention on Combating Desertification, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Commonwealth Foundation and Ministry of Environment, Government of Pakistan.
The princpal aim of organizing this meeting was to brainstorm on the possibility of creation of a multistakeholders coalition at Asian regional level, to support the process of implementation of UN Convention on Combating Desertification and Drought (CCD), and its regional action programme (RAP) for Asia.
The workshop was participated by the representatives of CCD Secretariat, UNEP, Governments, international research institutions such as ICRISAT, ICARDA, CGIAR, DESCONAP and NGOs from Jordan, Philippines, Kenya, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Syria, Iran, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Nieger. From Pakistan, besides NGOs/CBOs and Governmental agencies, specialized institution working on desertification related subjects, participated which include Sindh Arid Zone Development Agency (SAZDA), Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Pakistan Council for Research on Water Resources (PCRWR), Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) , International Waterlogging and Salinity Institute (IWASRI).
The workshop observed that desertification process is rapidly degrading natural resource base and affecting livelihoods of large populations in the Asian region. The CCD requires from member country parties to prepare national action programmes (NAP) with the consultation of affected populations in the drylands.
Mr. Masanori Kobayashi, from Asia Division of UN-CCD Secretariat said that besides NAPs, the CCD also has provision of preparation of regional action programmes (RAP). The RAP for CCD for Asia region was conceived and elaborated at various meetings held at Beijing, New Delhi, Japan and Bangkok. The RAP is launching six thematic programme networks (TPNs) as part of RAP in Asia. These TPNs are related to; Desertification monitoring, soil conservation and forestry, range land management and sand dune fixation, water management in the dryland, drought preparedness and local area development initiatives. Each of these TPNs, will be hosted by a particular country in the Aisan region.
The workshop felt the urgent need to support and push the CCD implementation process in the region. The participants unanimously supported the idea of establishing a broad based coalition of stakeholders of the CCD. This coalition will include Governments, civil society organizations, donors, technical institutions and private sector. The workshop gave a mandate to SCOPE to organize this coalition within next two years.
The workshop adopted following declaration and action programme;
The forum of Regional Coalition of all stakeholders representing Asian countries, comprising of 50 delegates, assembled at Islamabad, and deliberated on various aspects of the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD). Great need was felt for the Establishment of the Regional Coalition of stakeholders of CCD to steer up the process of the implementation of the Convention. The declaration is issued to envelop the effort of the forum. It speaks:
- On 26th May 1999, at Islamabad concerned members of global society from Asian region agreed in principle to establish a Stakeholders Coalition for Implementing CCD in Asian region;
- A committee was proposed to prepare TOR for the coalition hosting organization;
- SCOPE was asked to take responsibilities for 2 years as "Interim arrangement" till formal launching of the coalition;
- Participants from various countries should serve as interim focal points in their country and coordinate with "SCOPE" as interim national focal points of the coalition at regional level;
- SCOPE was mandated to raise 'resources' for proposed activities over two years;
- Members of global society also underlined 'short' action plan for coalition over next 2 years, annexed as Action Programme; and
- Declaration reflects continuous commitment of members to pursue CCD implementation.
Action prpgramme proposed for the Coalition at Asian Regional Workshop 24-26 May, 1999, Islamabad:
- Proceedings of the workshop to be disseminated among other stakeholders, not present at the workshop;
- To help preparation and adoption of NAPs in respective countries for the implementation of CCD;
- Interim work to establish coalition to be continued by SCOPE;
- To pilot activities related to women and children in the CCD implementation work;
- Small committee of 4-5 participants to prepare TOR on interim activities for establishing coalition for SCOPE;
- To include focus for the rapid increase of population from "poverty" perspective;
- To develop a newsletter of the coalition for stakeholders in the region;
- Interim national focal points should take activities for CBOs/ NGOs in their countries;
- To organise workshops/ seminars for bringing together all stakeholders after a year in regional workshop, to review and make long term planning efforts of NAPs/ RAP for the safety of social' vulnerable groups(s) in the areas of land degradation;
- Try to build data base of stakeholders in the region;
- To organise consultations/ dialogues at all levels promoting participatory approaches in the implementation of CCD;
- To promote country based case studies through interim (country) focal points highlighting the status of the implementation of CCD.
- To integrate media in the process of CCD implementation in the region.
- For further information:
- Tanveer Arif, SCOPE,
B-156, 13-D/2 Gulshan-e-Iqbal
Pakistantel: 92-21-4965042 Fax: 92-21-4976459
e-mail: scope@khi.compol.com
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