Participation & Urban Governance
All men and women should have a voice in decision-making, either
directly or through legitimate intermediate institutions that represent their
interests. Such broad participation is built on freedom of association and
speech, as well as capacities to participate constructively.
The fulcrum of good governance is participation. Wider the civil
society involvement in making choices and decisions on matters of municipal
interest and public importance, the greater the interface and mutual confidence
will be between the government and the governed.
Urban local governments can no longer govern cities all by
themselves. In the past few decades, their control over city governance
diminished significantly with the creation of statutory special Boards and
Globalisation and the attendant return to democratic principle
of governance have further changed the conventional role of urban local
governments from being ‘city managers in complete control’ to being
‘stewards and managing partners’.
While the stewardship for the city will continue to remain in
their care, urban local governments will increasingly witness greater sharing of
responsibility with civil organisations and the private sector. They will be
directing the city economy and managing the urban services. With the consent and
support of the electorate, they will exert greater influence on municipal
policies, legislation and services.
Wider public participation and debate are necessary
pre-conditions for making mature urban choices. The urban constituency is no
longer prepared to accept monofocal action of a few state/municipal officials
and some elected municipal councillors as participatory decision making when
wider participation is now considered necessary and feasible in a city.
Under the circumstances, it is sensible for local governments to
move pro-actively and initiate administrative and structural changes in city
governance to promote wider participation by the civil society in urban policy
and strategy development and in programme planning and management. Such a move
will help develop early a participatory culture in urban governance and prevent
stronger partners from manipulating the control over city affairs. The changes
must be so designed as to open up and support institutional avenues and
mechanisms that encourage and nurture democratic participation of all those who
are interested and knowledgeable in municipal level choice-making. Participation
is feasible, productive and sustainable when generated through community-based
organisations, non-governmental institutions, private corporate systems and the
decentralised units of local government.
There are many levels and types of participation, ranging from
manipulated involvement, (where the participants have little or no clue of what
and why they are doing), through tokenism, (where there is an appearance of
participation but the participants have no important decision making role to
play in), to shared accomplishments, (where participation is real and
productive, mutually satisfying and achieving a high sense of ownership and
belonging to the decisions made).
Manipulation and tokenism are considered models of
non-participation, which must be avoided in good governance. A good
understanding of this hierarchy of participation levels and types is necessary
for avoiding pitfalls of participatory nihilism where the civil society offers
time and resources only to realise that it had been used by the promoters to
give legitimacy to counter-productive urban agendas.
For further understanding of the subject, please refer:
"Care must be taken to help achieve higher levels of
participation" by Sherry R. Arnstein, Journal of the American Institute of
Planners, 1979
"Children’s Participation – From tokenism to
citizenship" by Roger A. Hart, UNICEF INNOCENTI, Italy, 1992
Concept of Participation is not limited only to choice and
decision making. While participation in the municipal thinking and action
process is important, it must also be understood that participation also means
active investments of resources for service as well as for profits. Good
governance provides the necessary level playing field for individuals and
establishments to enter the urban money and goods market with a sense of social
responsibility and make reasonable profits while helping the residents with
opportunities for good livelihood. Also, it encourages and supports
non-governmental social organisations and civic minded individuals to move in,
organise the civil society, and help support good governance and augment
municipal support services.
Real and active participation is a mutually satisfying
relationships. It enhances consensus building, sharpens accountability, promotes
equitable distribution of resources and benefits of democratic processes,
supports rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, efficiency and the
consensual development of a strategic vision for the city, all of which are
major attributes of good governance.
For details on the nine characteristics of good governance,
please refer:
'Reconcpetualising Governance', UNDP New York 1997
What follows are some good indicators of participation.
Attitude of municipal administration to civil society
participation and availability of municipal mechanisms to ascertain
citizen requirements.
where civil society organisations have shown greater commitment to
participate in municipal partnership programmes are those where the
municipal leadership (i.e. Mayor, Governor, Director, Commissioner,
Chief Executive Officer) has been able to influence a change in the
mind-set of their bureaucracy and staff. Entrenched in conventional
attitudes, methods and systems, most municipal administrations are slow
to grasp new adaptations; to seize new opportunities; to devolve power
and authority to those institutions and establishments such as academies
and NGOs which lie outside their administrative control; and, to
overcome their traditional realms of distrust. To achieve good
governance, their traditional barriers to motivation must be removed.
Trust, transparency, respect and co-operation are cornerstones for
active civil society participation.
local governments derive most of their revenue and political breath from
its residents. The political survival of the City Council and
councillors depend solely on public contentment. Prime purpose of local
governance is to meet the needs of the local residents. A government
cannot be responsive unless it knows what to respond to. Therefore, it
is good politics and good economics for city councils to ensure that
they have, at all times, a complete and profound knowledge and
understanding of what the residents expect from the administration and
what they feel about its performance. Keeping in touch with people’s
organisations can help in this regard. Good governance for consultative
processes between local governments and the NGOs, CBOs, the private
sector and all other partners in urban development.
consultations, round table, community meetings, can help understand the
people’s needs, aspirations; and, obtain their views and
recommendations on major public issues. For this purpose, the
administration must develop and nurture effective mechanisms to
encourage such partnerships that help it feel the pulse of the
constituency on a regular basis. These are cities that have
institutionalised these mechanisms as part of the governance process.
The ideal is to give those partners consultative status or observer
status within the city council, of course, without voting rights. It
must be a two-way communication mechanism: not only to communicate to
residents, but also to be communicated by them. A counter or a box for
complaints, views and suggestions is a good conventional start. But,
except for grouses, grudges and complaints, it has not proven to be
successful in generating ideas, suggestions and recommendations for
improvement of municipal effectiveness. In this electronic age,
innovative new methods can be found to get the constituency to speak up.
An e-mail hotline or a web-site, calling for good ideas with a periodic
award for best suggestions, may prove to be a popular and effective
mechanism for this.
the municipal leadership in your city actively promoting greater
participation by civil society organisations?
it built up good working relationships with NGOs?
do you rate your municipality’s capacity to keep in touch with the
it making a genuine effort and good progress in effectively learn from
the residents what they really need in order to be responsive to the
the municipality sufficiently responsive to peoples’ needs? Does it
really have a good mechanism to obtain peoples’ views and feedback
your city council have and mechanisms to consult the civil society
partners and build partnerships on major municipal issues on a regular
it does, how useful and effective are they?
Degree of municipal decentralization
nations have devolved power and decentralised the authority and
responsibilities through constitutional provisions, there by making
local governments autonomous and responsive. The 37th and 38th
Amendments to the Indian Constitution is an example. Over the years, by
trial and error, local governments have learnt that centralised planning
and delivery systems can be somewhat efficient but seldom effective.
Democratic processes are the first to suffer under a lack of
decentralisation and devolution. It makes ward representatives a bunch
of passive onlookers, not active partners. That hinders good democratic
governance. The ideal state of governance is when the representatives of
the governed have power, resources and control over the development of
their constituencies. Decentralisation of responsibility for programme
planning and implementation that enables direct participation and
involvement of all field level municipal staff and elected
representatives is a pre-requisite for effective urban governance. This
includes ward-wise desegregation of the municipal budget too so that the
ward members/councillors will be aware of the fiscal planning levels
within which they could effect development activities in their wards.
The Urban Basic Services programme implemented in over 300 cities and
towns in India ensures such ward-wise distribution of budget with good
the constitution of your country devolved sufficient powers to the local
government bodies to make them responsive to citizen’s local needs?
your local government fully decentralised the programme development and
implementation responsibilities?
the ward representatives know what part of the municipal budget is
available for development of their ward?
the city council's development budget (i.e. excluding the administrative
and other recurrent costs) adequately decentralised and desegregated
into ward-wise estimates of expenditure?
the administrative system provide for and encourage ward development
committees under the leadership of the elected councillor?
Quality of participation of the selected members in Council
main task of a City Council is to make responsible decisions to ensure
that administration and development of the city conforms to the needs
and aspirations of its constituents.
Municipal debates, therefore, are very important tools for good
decisions. The quality of member participation in council debate process
will determine, to a good extent, the quality of municipal decisions.
members make a genuine effort to help enhance the quality of municipal
decision making?
at least 40% of the members making useful contributions to city debates
on important issues?
the quality of city council discussions good?
they come prepared with relevant information and arguments to back their
the average attendance at meetings over 60%?
Women’s representation in the City Council
World Social Summit in Copenhagen recommended that civic organisations
must ensure that women represent a minimum of 30% of all elected and
recruited decision-making positions. UN system and many non-UN
organisations have complied with this guideline. The Government of
India, for example, introduced legislation in 1994 to ensure compliance
in the election of representatives to local and national legislatures.
It is, however, observed that the mere presence of women councillors in
the municipal council will not make much of a difference to the quality
of decision-making unless they actively engage themselves in the
municipal process.
your local government complied with this norm?
what extent have your nomination processes and selection procedures take
this need into account and ensure maximum degree of women’s
effective is the participation of women councillors?
Private sector support to Municipal Human Resources Development
private sector can be and has been an effective tool in municipal human
resources development processes. The pre-requisite for such
participation is mutual trust and transparency. Private sector guidance
and active support can help upgrade the quality of municipal management,
through introduction of new management concepts, techniques, work study
methods, and management training programmes. Annual auditing of
municipal accounts too is another area where the sector has comparative
experience and advantage over the municipality.
the city administration make adequate and satisfactory efforts to use
the private sector expertise to upgrade/modernise the city offices’
administrative, fiscal and management systems?
good has been the experience of your city council in collaborating with
the private sector in this field?
Voter turn-up in the last municipal election or by-election
elections are an important indicator of people’s interest in municipal
governance, or the lack of it. Voter absentasion often indicates
indifference to municipal governance. In some countries, hardly one
third of the registered voters turn up and cast their ballot, leading up
to negligable citizen participation. In other words, two thirds of the
city’s population do not bother about who represents them in the local
government. Good governance has a responsibility to educate the citizens
on their right to be represented and to involve them fully in the
electoral process.
there municipal mechanisms that conduct periodic vote education
programmes in your city?
the municipal leadership encouraging the mass media with data and
information to educate the citizens on their voting and representation
you happy with the efforts of the municipal council at the last election
to encourage maximum voter participation?
Municipal incentives for private sector participation in city
economy, environment care and in municipal staff development (HDR)
to a Survey of Mayors conducted by UNDP in 1997, Employment & Job
Creation was ranked the first of eight municipal priorities world-wide.
Ironically, that is one function over which urban local governments have
the least direct control. Yet, several city administrations have been
successful in attracting employment - generating high private sector
investments. Incentives such as 'no profit - no loss' serviced sites for
industrial plants, single-window facilitation counters for granting
municipal approvals and municipal tax holidays are capable of attracting
substantial new investments. Cities that are confident of their capacity
to provide industrial sites and services for private sector investments
are able to mount vigorous campaigns to attract private sector capital
shifts into the city that will generate jobs and increase the local
government revenue base. Urban transport and employment have been
traditional areas of private sector participation. Other potential areas
include water supply and sewerage, administration of municipal shopping
and market complexes.
your local government adequately exploited the private sector potential
for the development of the city economy?
the private sector and local government drawn up any employment
generation plans for the city?
these incentives helped build the cities economy?
these incentives managed in a non-partial and corrupt-free environment,
politically and administratively?
has put cities in greater focus yet, without much authority, resources
and good governance experience. Early realisation by urban local
governments that due to resource constraints, both financial and human,
municipal systems are operating far below the required capacity will be
good for city governance. On the other hand, the private sector has the
necessary links, access and exposure to global Total Quality Management
experiences as well as financial resources needed for urban development.
With due checks and balances, their expertise and capacity in planning
for and achieving clientele satisfaction can be harnessed for managing
urban social development too. Already there are some good experiences in
this field. In Bogota, Columbia, two private firms collect over 50,000
tonnes of city waste per month relieving the city government of over 50%
of its waste disposal responsibility. Metro-Manila’s Private Sector
anti-smoke-belching drive caused the rehabilitation of over 200 vehicles
in a relatively short period. The Philippine Business for
Environment’s flagship programme of Industrial Waste Exchange among
factories minimises the disposable volume of factory wastes
considerably. Other cities too have used the private sector in numerous
areas such as environment protection, supplementation of municipal
services and in urban renewal efforts.
your City Council actively encouraging the private sector to undertake
basic services and environment protection activities in the city?
yes, have the quality and coverage of services increased as a result?
Participation of the city’s poor in planning and implementing
activities related to their well being
in the world is fast becoming urbanised. In the first decade of the 21st
Century, more than half of the poor will be living in cities and towns.
With large concentrations of the poor living in urban areas they will
permit themselves to be marginalised any further. Nor will they allow
the planners to by bypass or overlook their presence. Justly so, they
will want equal participation for their equal work as city builders and
stakeholders. Good municipal governance cannot and will not dare to
overlook them and their needs.
and manifestations of poverty are multi-dimensional. Poverty is often
described as a lack of choice or voice. Information opens a door to
better choice. The least the urban local administrations can do to help
the city poor is to keep them fully informed of the procedures to access
anti-poverty programmes from which they can benefit. Many public sector
poverty-reduction initiatives often miss their intended targets because
the non-poor with access to information, plunder and appropriate the
benefits before the poor could get to it. Good governance will prevent
such miscarriage of justice by being transparent about the ways the
uninformed poor can benefit from City Council and other pro-poor
initiatives. Sometimes, the mere setting up of an Urban Poor Support and
Facilitation Counter, which require very little additional funds, within
the municipal office could tremendously enhance the interaction and
mutual trust between the poor and the city office. The community
education and conscientisation activities of the Kampung Improvement
Progamme (KIP), Indonesia, and the UNICEF-assisted Colombo Slum Gardens
Project and Million Houses Programme, Sri Lanka, Urban Basic Services (UBS)
Programme in India, provide some adaptable insights and experiences.
systems and processes must provide adequate space for all development
processes that affect them directly
your city council have a decentralised mechanism to obtain the views of
the city’s poor on matters affecting them?
it implement any major poverty
reduction programmes?
often do the municipal officials sit with the poor to review such
the poor involved in mid-term review of such programmes?
Civil Society participation in implementing Municipal
programmes / projects
NGOs and community based organisations (CBOs) have a good
knowledge of and commitment to the civil society interests and
aspirations cannot be over-emphasised. They have proven capacity
to organise and mobilise local communities, articulate local
issues and help seek sustainable solutions. Being influenced by
local needs and aspirations, NGOs/CBOs often enjoy credibility
and support from local communities. Many cities have very
positive experiences in working with NGOsCBOs. Among them are:
the LINIS-GANDA project (San Juan, Metro Manila) which is an
NGO-informal sector partnership for city waste collection &
disposal; the ORANGI Pilot Project for community sanitation
& slum Improvement (Karachi & Sukur); XENORA in
community sanitation and solid waste disposal programmes
(Chennai and Bangalore); SEVANATHA in Community Action Planning
(Colombo); COMMUNITY. SCOUTS in rehabilitation of street
children (Surabaya). Main pre-requisites for effective
cooperation are careful identification both of the NGO/CBO and
the areas of potential collaboration; clearly defined
operational areas and responsibility; transparency; mutual trust
and respect. It is, however, noted that the absence of NGO/CBO
involved in some cities need not necessarily mean that municipal
administration has been less than effective. Perhaps, in cities
where municipal services are well managed by the City Hall,
there may not arise a substantial need for NGO/CBO participation
in programmes implementation except in review of progress and
there adequate NGO/CBO participation in municipal social sector
project management in your city?
NGO/CBO involvement help improve the management and
effectiveness of municipal programmes?
Strategic Vision of Urban Governance
Leaders and public have a broad and long-term perspective on
good governance and human development, along with a sense of what is needed for
such development. There is also an understanding of the historical, cultural and
social complexities in which that perspective is grounded.
A Government without a vision is blind. Where there is no
vision, there is no progress. There is no way that local governments can aim for
progressive change without adopting a long-term vision and appropriate
strategies to achieve it. Availability of a clearly defined vision and
perspective plan for city development is a sign of good governance. It is often
said that cities plan to fail when they fail to plan.
The nine attributes of good governance that UNDP has articulated
are inter-linked and inter-dependant. Sustainable human development in urban
areas can be achieved only through equilateral promotion of all these attributes
to bring about improved urban governance. For this, every city must have a long
term vision and strategy for its realization. It must feel accountable to the
people and state for translating that vision into action.
What follows are some indicators of the city government’s
commitment and performance in this area.
Availability and the quality of
its implementation of a strategic vision for the city
urban governance shall always pursue a vision for the city.
For sustainability, it must be a vision that transcends politics
and social divisions. It must be a product of a participatory
consultation process – a consensual product. It shall address the
needs of all main domains of city life and shall have clearly defined
goals. Vision is what clarifies the mission of the institution.
mere availability of a vision will not help unless it is
enthusiastically operationalised. Most visions have faded away with time
without being realised. Good urban governance will do everything
possible to make vision a reality.
your City Council have a clear vision of what it likes the city to be in
ten to fifteen years from now?
this vision a shared vision of all political parties and major civil
society organisations in town?
the public fully conversant with its purpose, objectives and goals?
the leadership style in the municipality one that promotes the
achievement of the vision?
Availability of a clear strategy for poverty reduction
being a major challenge for city governance, city administrations must
have their own comprehensive strategy for poverty reduction. In the
absence a well-defined strategy, municipal interventions will be ad-hoc,
piecemeal, disjointed and unfocused. When a good strategy is present,
poverty reduction can become a social movement in the city. With the
introduction of the Urban Basic Services strategy, in many Indian
cities, poverty reduction has gained momentum as a social thrust. IN
Phnom Penh, Vietnam, the city administration has formulated a
comprehensive poverty reduction strategy and embarked on a comprehensive
5 year programme financed by DFLD/UNCHS to reach out to over 60,000
low-income families.
there a well-defined poverty reduction strategy in your city?
it a consensual one with all partners agreeing on its basic thrust and
the public aware of its purpose, objectives and goals?
Availability of clearly defined strategies for each priority
action area
a well defined vision for the city spell out areas of special attention,
major challenges and overall strategic framework city improvement, the
city office must have a well-thought and clearly articulated strategy
for each of the key action areas of municipal priority. These areas
include employment creation, public health, water & sanitation,
solid waste disposal, poverty, transport, road safety, crime &
violence and environment. The strategy shall spell out the challenges,
the city council’s major responses to meet them, and approaches that
will be employed to implement the strategy. Over the years, many cities
in Asia and the Pacific have been able to formulate development
strategies for water supply and sewerage, and not much for the other
priority areas.
your city council have clearly defined strategies for each of its
priority action areas?
it does, is it implementing them with due commitment?
Regularity of Future-Search and Strategy-Search efforts in the
City Council
local governments will pay special attention to:
the quality and adequacy of its basic services interventions;
emerging future needs and trends in city functions; and
ways and means of improving the services and facilities.
this, city governments must encourage consistent search for innovative
strategies. It should provide a platform for Future Search discussions
among those of the city council, the administration and with those
outside it. Search for new modes of public services action in priority
municipal areas will help prepare the city office meet emerging
challenges of the new millennium.
the senior staff of the city administration have a tradition of
periodically meeting to reflect on emerging new needs and trends in the
delivery and management of municipal services?
they do, have they been successful in generating innovative ideas that
made substantial improvements to city governance?
the city leadership promote and encourage future search discussions
within it and with outside agencies, academics, and civil society
Rule of Law in Urban Governance
Legal frameworks should be fair and enforced
impartially, particularly the laws on human rights.
The legislative function of urban local governments has been
generally confined to the spheres of regulating codes and standards of
buildings, public health, land use, municipal revenue, consumer protection and
road safety. Good governance insists that municipal legislation is fair and just
to all, and evenly applied and enforced without fear or favour. The legislative
responsibility is to ensure that norms are available and observed to maintain
quality and equity in the distribution and use of urban services.
Ensuring the rule of law does also mean total commitment to
enforce the rules and law. Municipal and other democratic institutions and
processes in the city must be just and fair in imposing rules and regulations on
their constituency. Their enforcement machinery must ensure that every citizen
is equal before the law and that delivery of justice will not only be fair but
also prompt. Also, it is necessary that the rule of law is effective within the
local government institution first with a fair and regular performance appraisal
system for its councillors and staff, rewarding the best and punishing the
Rule of law is anchored in human rights and dignity. It is
good municipal governance to ensure that the enforcement officials of municipal
institutions and the city police are adequately trained to respect the human
rights of every single individual in the city and help him/her realise them.
This initiative generally rests with the Mayor/Governor.
Protection of the consumer from unfair trade practices too is
increasingly becoming a priority need in urban market economies. With the demise
of consumer protection safety nets that marked the planned economies of the
pre-Eighties, consumer protection has now fallen squarely on the lap of
municipal governments despite their lack of control over the market.
In most major cities in Asia and the Pacific, the
responsibility of ensuring the rule of law is distributed among many statutory
boards, departments and the local government. Consequently, the accountability
is dispersed and weak. Municipal leadership must take proactive measures to
compensate for this lack of clarity by assuming responsibility of co-ordination
of those many agencies.
What follows are some indicators of the city government’s commitment and
performance in this area.
Public observance of city codes and standards
governance engenders rule of law. Rule of law must be supreme in all
municipal transactions and should not be compromised for administrative
or political favour. Safety and security standards must not be
sacrificed for municipal exigency or convenience. Violation of city
codes and standards reduces revenue, endangers health, safety, and
security of the citizens and, in short, stifles the well being of
residents which is the primary objective of local government. Promoting
respect for rule of law is a primary municipal function and
responsibility. For this, the administration and bureaucracy must be
disciplined first. If the rule of law is not respected within the
precincts of the City Council, it will not have moral power or
administrative ability to bring a whole society under the discipline of
law. Nor will it be able to get the residents to observe the city codes
and standards on zoning, industrial and household waste disposal,
pollution, housing and building quality & safety, illegal tapping of
water, etc., Continuous public education on municipal laws, codes and
standards and their strict enforcement can substantially reduce the
incidence of gross violations. NGOs can be enlisted to play a lead role
in public education and community vigilance of potential violations. The
Asian Coalition on Housing Rights (ACHR) in Bangkok and The Centre for
Science and Environment in New Delhi are good examples in this regard.
your city administration effectively popularise information about city
codes, regulations and standards and strictly enforce them?
the incidence of code-violations in your city come down in the past few
the number of municipal litigations against code violations show a
downward trend? (Remember lack of enforcement too could reduce municipal
Adequate measures and enforcement of municipal safety standards
for public buildings and roads
the city populations grow and more and more learn to spend more time
away from home in public places, schooling, working, watching movies,
strolling on the malls, negotiating, transacting business or shopping,
safety standards of public building should receive special attention.
Good local governments, therefore, shall ensure that these public places
are safe areas for people; their construction quality is good and will
not endanger limbs or lives. Instances have been many when lives and
investments have been lost forever because of indifference, inefficiency
or corruption overlooking or compromising these safety standards.
Injuries, disablement and death due to non-adherence to building and
road safety standards and non-observance of traffic rules are a common
occurrence in cities. Most of these are avoidable through effective law
enforcement, regular monitoring of conformity and compliance, and
adequate public information and education. Well designed tri-partite
partnerships among the municipality, NGOs and the police department can
reduce the risk levels in the city.
your city administration diligently ensure public adherence to rules and
codes on buildings and road safety, before, during and after their
construction? Or, does it consider its responsibility over after the
issuance of the Certificate of Completion?
there mechanisms in place that makes ‘certification of fitness for
use’ compulsory for annual licensing of buildings and roads?
s your municipality pay adequate attention to road safety measures and
proper management of the roads belonging to city government?
your city roads well protected with adequate preventive measures such as
strong railings separating the pavements; evenly paved sidewalks;
speed-deterrents; visible zebra crossings; and protected
roads properly lit in the night making them safe for night use? Are
there regular compulsory checks on their fitness for use?
Effectiveness of anti-corruption measures in municipal
always stands in the way of good municipal governance. Seldom can one
find a municipal office not accused of malpractice or corruption.
Corruption and good governance are incompatible and cannot co-exist.
Regular performance evaluation of all staff down the line is one of the
many effective mechanisms that can help combat the menace to some
extent. It will enable the supervisors to discuss corruption charges, if
any, without fear or favour as part of the performance-assessment
process and express dissatisfaction and non-readiness to recommend
promotions until positive change is discernible in the staff members’
attitude to work.
your City Administration been relatively free of major corruption
charges in the past three to four years?
your assessment, does it make a genuine attempt to ward off corruption
among its staff and the elected representatives of the Council through
anti-corruption drives and public cooperation?
Vigilance and action against crime and violence in the city
governance insures that the city provides a conducive psychological
environment for development of sound mental, and physical health and foe
full social participation of the residents. Violence and crime, major or
petty, create fear, affect mental health and impede social life. Safety
for all, particularly children, women and other vulnerable groups such
as the aged and disabled, must be a prime concern of city
administrators. While maintaining law and order is not a direct
municipal function in most countries, mere municipal interest and
initiative in some cities have led to a significant reduction in the
incidence of lawlessness and violence. A good example of municipal/civil
society anti-crime drives come from the chain of municipal partnerships
that led to the strengthening of a plethora of Residents’ Associations
in major Indian cities, particularly in Delhi & Bangalore. There,
the city administrators have given special permission to the
Associations to install their own special security systems financed by
the residents themselves. The systems include night patrolling,
cordoning of the neighbourhood during night hours restricting entry to
outsiders, and recording of late night movements of non-residents. A
close coordination between the City Council and the Police Department is
critical for making cities free of crime & violence. Creating and
tradition in the City Council that enables the City Police Commissioner
to present a six monthly or annual ‘Report on Status of the ‘Rule of
Law in the City’ may help build a more responsible and constructive
relationship between the two institutions. It will also help generate
greater public interest in and dialogue on the Rule of Law. For
sustainability, partnerships must be of this nature and must be
institutionalised in the municipal system.
there any constructive engagement by the City Council in crime
prevention in your city?
there any institutional mechanism that the City Council uses to engage
the city police department in joint planning for crime prevention?
the City Council promoting and supporting neighbourhood, organisations
of residents to be locally viligant?
the city crime rate decreasing?
Quality of environment care of the city
local administrations are environmentally conscious. They are committed
to preserving the eco-balance of the city, improving air and water
quality and ensuring the conservation and expansion of green areas as
city lungs. Where governance is good and strong, effective
pro-environment legislative measures are taken to promote urban
forestry, tree-planting, drainage, protection of low-lying marshes as
water catchment areas and to discourage illegal land-fills, unlawful
tapping of municipal services, littering, illegal felling of trees and
transport of such timber, and other wilful damage to the environment.
They aim at ensuring and enhancing the environmental quality of the
the city environmentally safe and clean means promptly disposing solid
& liquid wastes, ensuring surface-water drainage systems; minimising
the emission of lead and other pollutants into city ambience; promoting
environment friendly citizen behaviour, and effective management of
water sources. These are some major municipal responsibilities. Cities
that have neglected this responsibility over the years have become
eco-burners not only affecting their immediate environment but also the
global eco-systems. There are cities where dust particles, CFCs, toxins
and gases fill the air throughout the day resulting in a permanent haze
hanging over the city. City administrations are urged to ensure good
governance because of the lessons learnt from such past failures. In
addition to effective law enforcement, environmental impact assessments
(EIAs) and other regular environmental audits, city governments must
ensure that there are sound and effective public education programmes on
the subject. In some cities, NGOs and scientific research institutions
are urged by the city offices to undertake regular research and public
education to ensure that the residents are environment-conscious. Some
even have begun to ban the use of some petroleum-based products such as
polythene bags that are not biodegradable. Some cities in Bangladesh and
Japan are actively promoting recycled paper and jute products as
alternatives. Industries are given deadlines in some cities to install
their own solid waste incinerators and used water treatment plants
before they apply for the extension of their industrial licenses. The
Centre for Environmental Education in Ahmedabad, India which began their
basic environment education activities in municipal schools in the city
of Ahmedabad is now a centre of excellence producing environmental
teaching aides, curriculae and training manuals for most of the Indian
schools. The GTZ funded Bagmati river cleaning programme in the twin
cities of Kathmandu – Lalitpur in Nepal is another example of
municipal concern about environmental issues.
many cities now, all development planning is subject an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA). Environmental care is an area which requires
constant Research & Development (R & D). Environment-conscious
city governments encourage R & D efforts. Where governance is weak,
environmental protection efforts will either be minimal or totally
absent. Singapore and Malaysian cities provide an enviable record in
discharging this responsibility through proper planning of environmental
care, strict law enforcement & EIA.
your city administration environment-friendly? Is it genuinely working
to make the city environment better? Does it have a long-term
perspective plan for environment protection?
it insist on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to approve new
development projects and industrial investments?
air and water quality reasonably good in the city?
the city budget allocate adequate funds for environmental care?
there effective public education programmes by the municipality on
environment care?
your city a pleasant and liveable place that you can be proud of?
Transparency of Urban Governance
Transparency is built on the free flow of
information. Processes, institutions and information are directly
accessible to those concerned with them, an enough information is
provided to understand and monitor them.
Good governance will encourage and permit public
scrutiny of their processes, procedures, decisions, instruments of
contracts, agreements, MOUs and personnel decisions except those that
may endanger public security and also the credibility of the state.
Transparency being the hallmark, a good government will conceal very
little from the constituency. It will ensure that its civil society
partners have easy and direct access to information on all municipal
work except those that impinge on state security and public safety.
Transparency is a by-product of accountability. It
generates informed debate; enhances the quality of public participation;
reduces avenues for corruption, and opens up potential opportunities for
collaborative action. It thrusts on local government a great
responsibility to ensure that all staff in the city administration are
well trained and well cared for so that they will consider transparency
as the single most important link between the administration and
residents. Unskilled and disgruntled staff cannot and will not care for
image building for their institution.
What follows are some indicators of transparency
Transparency of budget formulation, revenue collection
and expenditure
management of financial resources is an important aspect of good
governance. The more transparent the municipal financial
management, the more effective and user-friendly urban
governance will be. Good governance ensures financial integrity.
All decision-making processes in regards to financial matters
must be transparent and open for public scrutiny. Citizens must
have interest in and access to information related to how and
why fiscal and financial decisions were taken by the municipal
administration. Civil society must be viligant so that the
limited municipal funds will not be misused.
municipal regulations provide for external audit of their
revenue and expenditure?
the City Hall encourage the public to study its annual budget
proposal and comment on it before it is adopted?
Transparency of municipal actions such as staff selection
& promotion, and the award of contracts
is an early sign of good governance. The more transparent the
local administration becomes in the conduct of its affairs, the
lesser will be the opportunity for in-house corruption, and the
higher will be the level of public trust and confidence it will
enjoy. Local governments, which are not ready to ensure the
highest possible level of transparency will always be suspect,
vulnerable to vituperative propaganda, and will eventually lack
credibility. Good governance, therefore, means keeping the
stables clean and visible all the time. Among other things, it
includes i.e. making staff performance assessment compulsory;
advertising mid and senior level staff vacancies for open
competition; basing staff promotion only on merit and ability;
micromising favouritism and nepotism; preventing the use of
public funds and positions to repay political favours; ensuring
fair tender promotion and selection practices; regular assessing
of programme results and impacts; and publishing
programme/project evaluation reports
area where transparency must be the hallmark of action is the
system and award of contracts. Most stories of municipal
corruption are associated with this area of activity. Good
governance will ensure that not only the tender procedures are
meticulously followed for award of contracts, but also that they
are done as openly as possible and that their documents are
available for serious public scrutiy.
your local government have a reputation of being adequately
Does it advertise all
senior vacancies and tenders adequately?
it publicise evaluation reports for public scrutiny?
all staff promotions made on merit and ability?
major tenders properly and widely advertised? Do the tender
board comprise persons of integrity? Do they enjoy public trust?
Availability of Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) for public education
the public adequately informed through IEC activity increases
transparency; enhances public appreciation of municipal efforts;
promotes greater public participation in municipal endeavours;
reduces opportunities for corruption, and earns respect and
confidence of the public. IEC makes the public aware of the
local government’s strategic vision for the city, the
challenges it faces, the programmes with which it responds,
(including their costs and development goals), and the ways in
which people can participate and supplement the city development
initiatives at their own levels. Keeping the city residents
informed about all municipal matters is a crucial ingredient for
good governance. A lack of public information often leads to
disenchantment with the municipal leadership resulting in public
alienation from the municipal system.
Many City Councils, which have realised the value of IEC,
publish regular newsletters, pays for periodic Radio/TV slots to
explain their efforts in addressing the pressing issues; and,
often use large bill boards, at vantage points in the city,
displaying rules, conditions and procedures that the public need
to follow, on housing, land-use, social welfare, grievance
redress etc. In every Kampung community centre under the KIP
programme in Surayabaya and Semarang (Indonesia), there were
large notice boards, updated weekly and maintained by community
volunteers themselves, with information received from different
units of the city administration, giving basic statistics of the
community (births, deaths, population by age & sex); number
pregnant; number fully immunised; date of next visit by
municipal health, education and other officials; procedures to
obtain various types of municipal services; important telephone
numbers of city departments etc. In many large cities in India,
municipalities, in collaboration with NGOs, organise public
hearings on matters of special interest to the city. In Chennai
(former Madras), India, the city office has installed huge
roadside billboards with attractive messages on health, family
planning, low-income housing and land-use issues. In Guntur,
India, large signboards at public works sites display the
contractors’ name, address, detailed specifications of the
job, the amount contracted for and the contact address for
your City Council pay adequate attention to IEC?
the measures effective? Do they use vantage public spaces
meaningfully for the purpose?
the City Office run a web-site/publish a municipal newsletter
for public information?
your city office have a public information counter served by a
trained and informed public relations officer?
residents content with the quantity and quality of information
they receive from the city office?
Responsiveness of Urban
Institutions and processes try to serve all
Good governance is responsive governance. At its
heart is the well being of its constituency. There are three
cardinal pre-conditions for responsiveness. They are:
Making ‘the best interests of the
constituents’ the primary goal of governance.
Ensuring that simple and effective
mechanisms are institutionalised within the City
administration to regularly ascertain the needs and
aspirations of the constituents.
Making sure that a core team of
committed, trained and well-informed municipal officials is
available in the city office to interact with the public,
provide information, redress grievances, understand their
changing needs, and perceptions and initiate, plan and
manage appropriate responses.
Responsive governance is good at listening,
patient with criticism, slow to anger, quick in compassion and
prompt in action.
What follows are some indicators of
Municipal staff training to generate
responsiveness and efficiency
governments not only should have appropriate mechanisms
to ascertain peoples’ needs, aspirations and
contentment levels but also should have personnel who
are trained and skilled to meet their needs; who can
churn the knowledge gained about people into well
packaged municipal actions. If the personnel are
untrained, they will not be responsive as they can be.
That will make local governance ineffective. The saddest
part of local governance in most third world countries
is its inability or unwillingness to recognise the value
of human resources development, particularly staff
training. The enthusiasm and interest that municipal
leaders often show in people when there is a vacancy to
fill wanes out immediately thereafter leaving the person
at the mercy of his/her own capacity and initiative.
Having done the ‘favour’, seldom do these leaders
show any further interest in the person and his
professional development. They realise very little that
such disinterest in staff development not only harms the
person but also the institution. Most of the
UNCHS/Habitat ‘Good Practice’ projects teach us a
very important practice lesson. Good practice is not an
accident. To produce them, staff must receive good
training. In the early 1980s, NADI Kampong improvement
programme in Kuala Lumpur spent substantial resources to
produce training material, train the trainers and ensure
that not only all senior and mid managerial staff but
also the related senior officials of the Ministry of the
Federal Territories, which had overseeing
responsibilities for the project, were properly trained
to work with the residents rather than work for them.
your city administration have an effective training
strategy and an annual work plan for training?
the staff adequately consulted when training plans are
it have an active staff-training unit?
what percentage of staff is adequately trained?
those trained currently handling work for which they are
there any institutional arrangements that encourage the
staff to pursue self-study and learning?
Availability of mechanisms to address public grievances
views and their effectiveness
governance also means paying prompt and due attention to
residents' views, queries and grievances. Unheard and
unheeded voices have the potential to breed public
discontent and anger leading to political and administrative
discomfort. Responsive city governments adopt different
methods and mechanisms to maintain effective public
relations. They include the installation of a city
Ombudsperson, complaints register, public hearings,
open-days for city officials to meet the public, and Meet
Your Mayor sessions.
some cities, periodic meeting are arranged for
representative of CBOs/NGOs to meet with the
Mayors/President/C.E.O’s of the municipality, where as the
residents’ representatives are encouraged to present their
problem s, grievances, complaints and views regarding the
municipal activities.
mere availability of such mechanisms will not be enough.
They must be well implemented if the citizens are to benefit
from them.
the residents of your city generally satisfied with the
mechanisms available to them to channel their grievances,
views and suggestions?
they receive prompt attention from the municipal
those mechanisms effective and adequate?
Adequacy of budget for and management of basic
many cities, basic services are lacking due to a lack of
funds. In some cases, budgetary allocations have dwindled
over the years. Good urban governance will ensure that a
major portion of the city’s budget is spent on providing
basic minimum needs and standards of its residents.
the city populations grow, many developing countries find
the demand for urban basic services in cities outpacing the
supply. In some cities, antiquated service systems,
particularly water, sanitation and sewerage, built decades
ago to service a mere fraction of the present population,
are now loaded to the point of burst. They are not only a
health hazard. They
are a management hazard too for their repairs are too many
and too often, oft times sending the municipal financial
projections off the hook. On some occasions, where
governance is weak, basic services have become costly and
inadequate due to poor management. Studies done in the early
1990s have revealed that nearly half the treated safe
drinking water in New Delhi and Hanoi was unbilled due to
leakage, wastage and illegal tapping. Therefore, increased
budgetary allocations may not necessarily mean responsive
governance especially if the management is poor or corrupt,
water is permitted to go to waste and the laws are not
enforced due to inability or unwillingness to charge the
violators. Consequently, Good governance means proper
funding and managing. World Bank, UNICEF and DFID supported
municipal – NGO – CBO partnership programmes for urban
basic services have proved that, given the opportunity,
community based organisations can substantially reduce
community level leakage, wastage and bad handling of basic
the City allocate sufficient funds for basic services
delivery and management?
delivery and management of basic services in your city
the city office been able to tackle the issue of unbilled
it shown courage in enforcing municipal regulations strictly
without fear or favour?
the city office encourage and support NGOs & CBOs to get
involved in basic services delivery work in the city?
Quality of municipal roads, and city transport in the
quality of roads and of their use is a pointer to the
attitude and ability of an urban administration to serve its
residents. It is also a good indicator of the level of
discipline, tolerance, aesthetics and sanitary consciousness
of the society. Road must be a safe place for the motorist
as well as for the pedestrian. It must make travelling
between two points a joyful learning experience. Public
health research has established a correlation between roads
and productivity of city workers. When travelling to
workplace is a joyful experience, behaviour, motivation and
productivity show a remarkable upswing. Investment in city
roads is therefore an investment for greater economic
productivity in the city. It is not a mere consumption
expenditure. It is an economic input. The ever increasing
numbers of people and vehicles in the city call the city
governments to provide good roads. Providing good roads is
not enough. People expect the city administration to ensure
a good intra-city transport system; well maintained roads
and a regulated flow with minimum snarls in peak hours. That
is why responsive urban administrations pay adequate
attention to city roads and transport.
the city office doing a good job in urban transport
your city transportation system effective? Is the public
transport service reliable, clean and adequate?
the roads well maintained?
travel within the city fun?
city traffic well regulated and managed?
Municipal programmes to care for women and children
and youth
city governments will pay special attention to the needs of
women, children and youth. Investment in their development
is an investment for the city’s future. These groups are
vulnerable to social pressures and need special facilities
and safety-nets. Early school leaving by children of the
poor is becoming more pronounced in urban areas of Asia. So,
is the incidence of street children and child labour. Youth
too need special protection against substance abuse,
HIV/AIDS and sexual promiscuity. Women require special
protection against violence; vocational skills; and credit
support for self-employment.
many cities, the city administration has promoted the civil
society to provide pre-schools, vocational training, etc.
for their poor. In Hyberdabad, India, the municipality has
been conducting over 300 pre-schools for the poor since the
early 1980’s. Municipalities also provide children’s
libraries, parks and play areas. Through the Urban Basic
Services programme initially supported by UNICEF, city
councils in many countries all over the world provided urban
poor women with numerous opportunities to organise
themselves into neighbourhood development committees; start
micro savings and credit programmes and to follow training
programmes to sharpen their community leadership skills.
the city office provide adequate funds and support for child
and youth development programmes for women, children and
Consensus Orientation in Urban
Good governance mediates differing interests to
reach a broad consensus on what is in the best interest of the
group and, where possible, on policies and procedures.
Governance by consensus is a age-old democratic
principle. Elected local bodies always struggled to uphold this
governance principle. But divided among themselves into political
hues and colours, the attempts are seldom successful. Moreover,
the consultative process employed through council meetings and
committee systems within the City Council is not the best suited
for the purpose for they seek consensus among those who are
already divided into ruling and opposing parties.
There is a growing fund of new experience in
seeking neutral third party views for municipal consensus
building. The third party here is the civil society organisations,
including eminent persons and the private sector. They are brought
into the consensus building exercise through issue-based special
consultations, seminars, workshops, community opinion surveys,
Gallup polls, public hearings, electronic media talk-shops etc.,
The city officials and elected councillors too participate in
these para-conciliar roundtables and mediations which often help
achieve consensus.
All party consultations are another proven
method of political consensus building. Keeping all stakeholders
informed and involved is key to good governance. Such inter-party
consultations convened well before the tabling of major municipal
policies, strategies and programmes for Council debate and
adoption have helped resolve key conflict areas amicably before
the formal debate. Such consensus building will not only help iron
out ideological and political clash-points and differences but
also will foster mutual trust and confidence among the political
factions and build benevolent cooperativeness. They also ensure
that economic, social and political priorities of the local
government are based on broad consensus. That ensures
sustainability too.
Availability of all party consensus on major
municipal strategies
is necessary that city councils have an all-party
agreement on any major development thrust for the city
i.e., employment & job creation, poverty reduction,
housing for the poor, city transport. Such consensus will
ensure continuity of programmes and prevent wastage of
public funds owing to the dumping of favourite projects of
the outgoing administration at every change of government.
In democratic governance, even the parties in opposition
are partners. They bring in experience and represent the
public opinion of a segment of the city population. It is
therefore, again a waste of public funds to maintain an
opposition and not to use its expertise. Good local
governments make every effort to seek all party consensus
before major motions are promoted. They take the form of
informal consultations, not debates. Where such mechanisms
are effectively and consistently used, there is hope for
good urban governance.
your city council use all-party consultations regularly
for consensus building?
it does, are those held regularly? Does it have a
reputation for working together and for joint policy
their interest in city development transcend party
Use of mass media for public consensus building
building is important not only within the city council but
also outside it. It
is necessary that citizens be also taken on board when
major changes or development efforts are considered for
the city. Their views are useful in sharpening the
proposals to be responsive to the real needs of citizens.
Their backing and support too are equally important for
successful execution of the intended proposals. Mass media
are an effective medium for such consensus building.
Larger cities have direct and easy access to mass media.
Smaller ones too can get mass media attention if the ideas
and issues are properly packaged and presented through
local correspondents. Larger cities can even negotiate
with major newspapers and TV/Radio stations and explore
possibilities of their publishing/broadcasting a weekly or
fortnightly magazine on city news. Enterprising city
governments will even offer to edit/produce the script at
own cost. Whatever the form or pattern in the use of mass
media, the important thing is to use them to build
consensus among city dwellers on important city matters.
Some mayors encourage direct-line talk shows, fielding
questions from residents live on T.V. and radio. It is the
role of good urban governance to ensure that all city
dwellers, not only understand municipal strategies and
programmes, but also acknowledge that they can effectively
address the city’s needs and aspirations.
your city using the mass media effectively to generate
public dialogue and consensus on important issues?
often do you find the city administration making
mass-media efforts?
you satisfied that it is making the best possible effort?
are they only a public relations exercise to boost the
image of the mayor or some other municipal leaders?
Promotion of issue-based discussions among senior
municipal officials before major council debates
behaviour of city officials merely looks after each
one’s own area of work can lead to bureaucratic myopism
and turf-protection. Municipal bureaucracy must be urged
and helped to have a macro-vision about the work of the
city government as a whole and must be encouraged to look
at one’s work and responsibility as a composite,
integral part of a larger operational thrust to help
residents meet their needs and aspirations. One important
link in this approach is in-house consensus creation,
first among the s/elected councillors and then among the
officials who are expected to make such consensus
operational. Regular discussion sessions where, on
rotation basis, a department is asked to present their
major strategies, challenges and constraints and other
departments are encouraged to give their comments and
ideas and alternatives is a commonly used method of
consensus building among officials. Another, though not
much in vogue yet, but more effective than the first, is
the assigning of an insightful mid-level manager or two
from one department to another on a review mission and to
get him/her to present a mission report giving a SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
analysis of the studied department’s strategic vision,
priorities, challenges, constraints and shortcomings. Good
governance means always searching for new ways to get
things done and also getting the municipal staff develop
broader personal interests beyond their immediate realms
of action.
senior officials of your municipality get together to
deliberate on important council matters with a view to
finding effective and non-expensive solutions and
alternatives to improve city administration and its
there thematic strategy and study groups for major
priority areas of the municipality?
these groups/meetings productive?
Accountability in Urban Governance
Decision-makers in government, the private sector
and civil society organisations are accountable to the public, as well as to
institutional stakeholders. This accountability differs depending on the
organisation and whether the decision is internal or external to the
Government is accountable to two major superiors. On one hand it is accountable
to the people who elect the City Council and expect results. On the other, it is
accountable to the state for administrative and fiscal compliance with state
norms, audits and political vision. While
the former responsibility is discharged to the people through the council
representatives, the latter is done through various state institutions,
particularly the Commission/Department of Local Administration/Government
Services or Local Administration.
means ensuring the rule of law, transparency of action, responsiveness to
peoples’ needs and wishes, equity in the distribution of the dividends of
local governance, and effectiveness in reaching people and improving their well
also means capacity building and upgrading city council skills to help,
facilitate and manage urban change to the desired levels. A concern for urban
governance today is its serious lack of effective management systems and skills.
Lack of target orientation and change-ushering work-plan culture too plagues
many of them. Resistance to change-oriented management systems too retards
effectiveness. Lack of managerial skills to steer the governance vehicle
efficiently towards that change weakens accountability.
the quality of accountability is enhanced through:
human resources,
the change-ushering capacity of the municipal system,
realistic & responsive targets,
responsibility and authority,
staff performance assessment, and
of decentralisation and delegation of authority
brings about greater democratic participation in the city. It also puts
city operations in harmony with peoples’ needs and expectations.
Delegation of authority is essential for effective decentralisation. Where
delegation is absent, decentralisation will loose teeth and power. Most
municipalities mistake out-posting of personnel to ward or district level
sub-offices as decentralisation. In actual practice, such out-posting
without delegated authority, disaggregated targets and budgets can only be
called ‘bottlenecking’ for they in the sub offices will not have the
initiative to be proactive, innovative and responsive without going
through a time-consuming prior approval process each time they want to
respond quickly to new needs, situations and challenges. Good governance
ensures that every member in the governance team has sufficient degree of
delegated authority and also resources to accomplish the assigned tasks
efficiently and effectively.
your city administration adequately decentralised?
the city budget sufficiently disaggregated?
the senior and mid management level staff well trained in devolution of
power, decentralised planning and management methods and processes?
of Monitoring the implementation of Delegated Tasks
critical aspect of decentralisation and delegation is the availability of
appropriate and effective management apparatus to periodically ascertain
whether delegation has been effective and not abused. Decentralisation and
delegation do not mean leading the flock to the woods and letting them
lose. A good shepherd will pitch his tent at a vantage point and stay
around to oversee and protect the flock. Good governance is like the good
shepherd. For it, delegation does not mean relegation or dereliction of
responsibility. In fact, the responsibility is grater when a host of
others control the operations. Therefore, good governance systems must
ensure that effective standards and monitoring tools are available within
the city government to measure the progress and impact of implementation
of the delegated tasks.
your city government employ sound tools for measuring progress and impact
of projects/programmes?
the tools of monitoring also measure the capabilities of the manager who
carries out assignments?
these tools been effective?
of Human Resources Management
keep pace with the ever-growing demands of ever increasing populations,
city administrations must be target - oriented and performance conscious.
Located in the best of commercial and communication hubs of the country,
there is no reason why city governments cannot learn from the corporate
management practices and discipline and improve their own human resources
management systems. The staff at all levels must be trained and oriented
towards customer satisfaction, public participation and poverty reduction.
If political and administrative will is there, there will be many
institutions to render technical assistance, even voluntarily, to upgrade
municipal HRD systems with good practices of target setting, job
classification, human resources planning and target-related performance
your city administration have a sound human resources management system?
it achievement-oriented with periodic target setting exercises?
it adopt a consultative process with senior staff members to assign
special responsibilities and set targets for achievement during the year?
it use the private sector expertise in upgrading personnel management
you satisfied with the human resources planning and management quality in
your city office?
between defined hierarchical structure and actual delegation
administration is often plagued by the high incidence of inconsistency
between the hierarchical structure approved in the Organisation Chart and
the actual delegation of tasks. Often, they are incomplete contravention
of what the Chart stipulates. Compared to the private sector, the
incidence is much higher due to political interference, lack of checks and
balances and ineffective grievance redress systems. The net result is
staff demoralisation, in-fighting and gross inefficiency. Eradicating this
practice may not be possible, yet, good governance must be able to
minimise it to levels that it will not affect the overall efficiency and
corporate goals of the city administration.
the inconsistency between the officially approved hierarchical structure
and actual delegation of task a big problem in your city administration?
yes, have remedial actions been taken?
attention on recycling of waste
of waste, both solid and liquid, is an important urban intervention. It is
not only an environmental action but also a sound accountability action.
Efficient handling of the increasing volume of city waste indicates a high
sense of city office responsiveness and accountability. It also depicts
good governance.
your city government pay sufficient attention to the possibilities of
recycling waste?
there recycling operations already initiated by the city office?
Participation in major governance networks
are many global and regional networks that urban local governments can
participate in and benefit from. They focus on different aspects of urban
governance and aim at helping city administrations improve their
governance. They promote cross fertilisation of good urban practices;
arrange for training of municipal personnel; encourage inter-country and
intra-country urban dialogue and inter-city partnerships; facilitate or
conduct urban research and comparative analyses of urban systems and
services; and disseminate usable information through publications,
web-sites and conferences. Where requested, many of these networks are
ready to provide short-term consultancy support for review/evaluation
missions. Some of these major
networks are The UNDP/UNCHS Urban Management Programme (UMP), MEGA-CITIES
Project, UNCHS/Habitat Global Urban Observatory (for urban indicators),
CityNet, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR), Asia Pacific Cities
Forum, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI),
TRISHNET, The Urban Governance Initiative (TUGI). Cities are not born with
good governance. They are created through human enterprise.
They must learn from the success of others and these networks
provide the best opportunity for that. Good governance cities are
generally members of one or more of these networks.
your city participate in any global or regional urban networks?
it does, is it benefiting from that partnership?
technical support does your city get from these networks?