Urban Governance: A Sourcebook on Indicators


Dinesh Mehta, Urban Governance: Lessons From Best Practices in Asia,

The Urban Governance Initiative (TUGI), UNDP Project Document RAS/98/065/A/01/31, October 1998

Edqard Leman, Urban Management: A Primer, UMP-Asia Occasional Paper 3, UNDP 1998

Indicators of Sustainable development: Framework & Methodologies, UNDP, 1996

Global Urban Observatory: Urban Indicators Programme Web-site, UNCHS http://www.unhabitat.org/guo/uip.htm

Towards Indicators of Sustainable Development in Asia & the Pacific, ESCAP, 1997

Building a Healthy City: A Practitioners’ Guide, WHO, Geneva. 1995

Participatory Local governance: Technical Advisory Paper 1, LIFEUNDP, 1997

Metropolitan Governance: Towards a New Urban Century, Summary Report on World Conference, Tokyo Metropolitan Government ,April 1993

The Management of Secondary Cities in South East Asia, UNCHS, 1996

Urban Poverty Alleviation, Sectoral Policy Document 5, Ministry of Foreign affairs, The Hague, 1994

Jeb Brugmann , Is there a Method in Our Measurement?, , Local Environment, vol.2 No.1 CLEPS, South Bank University, London, Feb 1997

Graham Pinfield, Use of Indicators I Local Sustainable Development Planning, Local Environment, Vol.2 No.2, June 1997

Monitoring Progress in Implementing the Habitat Agenda: an overview, UNCHS.1998

The State of the World’s Children 1999, UNICEF

ISO 14000 : Environment Management for the World Market, Dennis R. Sasseville et al. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998

Draft Urban Policy Paper, UNDP December, 1998

Johan Silas, Government-community Partnership in Kampung Improvement in surabaya, Environment & Urbanization, Volume 4 Number 2 October 1992, IIED, London

Jonas Rabinovitch, Curitiba: \towareds sustainable Devlopment Environment & Urbanization, Volume 4 Number 2 October 1992, IIED, London

Mike Douglass, The Political Economy of Urban Poverty, Environment & Urbanization, Volume 4 Number 2 April 1991, IIED, London

Fabio E. Velasquez C. Local Governments in Intermediate Size CitiesEnvironment & Urbanization, Volume 3 Number 1 April 1991, IIED, London

Towards Healthy, Report of Beijing Conference, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1997

Health Cities in Asia, - A diagnostic Manual, ESCAP, 1995

Who are the question makers? Office of Evaluation & Strategic planning, UNDP, 1995

Building Partnerships for Urban Poverty Alleviation, Clarence Shubert, UMP Regional Office,1996

Reconceptualising governance, Discussion Pare 2, Management Development and Governance


Implementing the Urban Environment Agenda, Volume 1, UNCHS/UNEP, 1997

Rapid Environmental Assessment: Lessons from Cities, Vo. 1 &2, UMP Policy Paper 14, The World Bank,1993

Toward Environmental Strategies for Cities, UMP Policy Paper 18, The World Bank, 1994

Urban Environment Management in South Asia: An Overview, GTZ, 1997

Governance for Sustainable Development, A UNDP Policy document,1997

Managing Partnerships, Ross Tennyson, The Prince of Wales Business Leaders’ Forum, UK, 1998

Cities and Governance: New Directions in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Patricia McCarney, ed.1996

Children’s Participation: From tokenism to citizenship, Roger Hart, UNICEF Innocenti,1992

Understanding Urbanization: A source book, UNDP/YUVA, Bombay, 1998

Our cities: Our Homes, AP2000,UNDP, Kuala Lumpur, 1998

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