Decentralization - Financial:
Autonomy of financial resources
Can local government decide on the use of local resources ?
Predictability of inter-governmental transfer
Principles of financial devolution
Level of adoption of the budget
Sources of local government funding ((taxes,user charges, borrowing, central
government, international aid)
Can local government raise resources from capital markets without approval
of from higher levels of government?
Percent of funds devolved from higher levels of government
Decentralization - Political:
Dismissal of mayors, councilors and officials
Progress of deciding political agenda
Legislation on de-centralisation (yes/no)
Number of gender equity oriented initiatives undertaken by local organisation
or institutions
Percentage of elected and nominated members by sex/ethnic group
Control by higher level of government
Access to government positions by all groups
Local government:
Process of selecting mayor
Regulatory framework that governs promotion of civil servants
Career prospects of civil servants
Pay scale of civil servants
Tacit knowledge about the power structure
Planning and predictability:
Openness of procedures for contracts/tenders for municipal services
Appointments by higher government
Annual budgeting
Percent recurrent resources for Pvt Sector/CBO
who supplies and regulates various services
independent decisions, regulation/taxes, auditing, removal from office
Sources of income
Transparency of local taxation
Consistency/regularity of local mayor election
Percentage of population served
Access of public to stages of policy cycle ( planning, budgeting, monitoring,
etc) delegation of public service
Integration of planning and budgeting
No of public hearings and participants from different income/ethnic groups
Are data collected and used by gender and district
Existence of conflict mediation at local level (budgeted)
Existing participatory processes
Group equity in participatory planning and decision making
Equal access to education and information
Existence or not of information on differential situation and needs of
women and men
Legal entitlement to different assets to all categories of people
Self determination of groups in relation to resource management
Civil freedoms - press, association, justice
Social group and watch dog for programme implementation
Number of CBO’s and specific organisations addressing gender issues
Access to basic needs
Consumer satisfaction ( survey/complaints)
Capacity for delivery of services ( including spatial coverage)
Income/expenditure of local govt/capita
Legislated local government functions
Targets, programme, financial
Economic development ( city Product)
Environmental quality
Freedom, justice, fairness and equity ( concentrated on equity first):
Equity in tax system
Incorporation of excluded groups in the consultation process
Resource allocation to services benefiting the poor/ the rich
Access to basic services for disadvantaged groups Eg spatial distribution
of services
Quintile distribution of city product
Ratio of price of water in formal informal settlements
Existence of public hearings
Existence of local media
Resource allocation towards formal/informal settlement
Rental; to income ratio in formal and informal settlement
Accountability and transparency:
Fairness in enforcing laws
Clarity of procedures and regulations and responsibilities
Existence of sanction, performance standards and disclosure laws
Codes of conduct for professional associations
Forward Looking:
Social development plan
Vision/mission statements
Forward/strategic Plans
Communication strategy
Gender perspective
Revenue growth ( total and own)
Funds known in advance
Setting budgets/targets
Existence of planning department
Role of key groups in planning , decision making, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation
Freedom of media and existence of local media
Percentage of people voting by sex and social groups
Process of public discussion on key issues
Use of referendum on key issues
Right of establishing association
Private sector:
Extent of civil society organization ( monitoring )
Predictability of enforcement
Integrity of auditing and monitoring
Existence of enabling city legislative environment
Predictability of institutional change
Credibility of rules
Existence of an official admin structure
Percentage of unsafe city areas-crime rates (murder, rape)
Police corruption- feeling of safety
Per capita revenue
Cost of various services
Percentage economic Growth
Percentage on salaries
Employees per delivery service
General administration share
Number of local government employees/ 1000 population
Civil society:
Resource requirements to organised groups
Status of local leadership ( formal, informal, legitimate, non legitimate,
respected, non respected, independent
Existence of emergency laws against public meetings, tradition of public
No of NGO’s
No of procedures need e to register NGO’s
Planning and management:
Functional responsibilities for service provision (sewerage, water, education,
health, social services, green space etc)
Possibility that the mayor is good!!!!
Top 12 Urban Governance issues/indicators:
1. Consumer satisfaction (survey/complaints)
2. Openness of procedures for contracts/tenders for municipal services
3. Equity in tax system
4. Sources of local government funding ((taxes,user charges, borrowing,
central government, international aid)
5. Percentage of population served by services
6. Access of public to stages of policy cycle
7. Fairness in enforcing laws
8. Incorporation of excluded groups in the consultation process
9. Clarity of procedures and regulations and responsibilities
10. Existing participatory processes
11. Freedom of media and existence of local media
12. Autonomy of financial resources |
UNCHS Expert Group Meeting on Urban Poverty and Governance Indicators, 29 April to 1 May 1999,
Nairobi, Kenya.