Urban Interface: Man's fingerprints all over ...
Comparing Marine Fishing Industries

Large scale Small scale
Number of fisherfolk employed Around 500,000 Around 12,000,000
Annual catch of marine fish for human consumption Around 29 million tonnes Around 24 million tonnes
Capital cost of each job on fishing vessels $30,000-$300,000 $250-2500
Annual cost of marine fish for industrial reduction to meal, oil etc. Around 22 million tonnes Almost none
Annual fuel oil consumption 14-19 million tonnes 1.4 - 1.9 million tonnes
Fish caught per tonne of fuel consumed 2-5 tonnes 10-20 tonnes
Fisherfolk employed for each $1 million invested in fishing vessels 5 - 30 500 - 4000
Fish destroyed at sea each year as by-catch in shrimp fisheries 6 - 16 million tonnes none

IUCN, UNEP, WWF (1991), Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living.
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