How is knowledge processed?
Lisa Schuman and Donn C. Ritchie
1. Knowledge and behavior. Is there a link?
The learner adapts his behavior to contingencies of events and
Learning is a gradual strengthening of the learned relationship between cue and
behavior, driven by a pattern of consequences (reinforcement). This is called
shaping. With enough practice, the link becomes so strong that the time
between cue and behavior gets very small.
2. Reality and rules
Learning takes place when a predictable connection is established between a cue
in the environment (stimulus), a behavior (response), and a consequence
(reinforcement). Everybody has a reinforcement history.
"Reinforcement history" is the sum of all your past experiences with all the
connections between cues, behaviors, and consequences. These influence what you
are likely to do when you encounter a pattern of clues you have seen before.
For example, you file the way you have successfully done it in the past, even
if it is not the most efficient way
3. Control of learner
The learner is in control of practicing the new behavior , based on new "cues",
until the behavior becomes automatic.
The basic types of connection between cues and behavior:
An association
A simple connection between a unique cue and a behavior that leads to
certain consequences.
For example, when a phone rings you answer it.
A chain
An association in which one behavior is a cue for the next behavior.
For example, when people recite their phone number they cannot recite last
four digits unless going through first three digits.
A discrimination
This is like an association except more than one cue is involved and all
act together to cue the behavior.
For example, when a person answers the phone, he is responding to two cues :
1. The ringing of the phone
2.He is home (not out).
1. Knowledge and behavior. Is there a link?
Changes in behavior are carefully studied, but as indicators to what's
going on inside the learner's head.
2. Reality and rules
Reality is socially imposed and universally agreed upon. The learner mirrors
objective reality by using external reality as a mental model.
For example, if you grow up in Singapore, you will take on a reality based on
the social viewpoint in Singapore. This will affect your view of every
situation you encounter.
Rules involve actions. If you run through the steps often enough, the procedure
will be integrated into a single, smooth action.
3. Control of learner
The learner processes symbols and grasps the meaning of the symbols. He is
able to distinguish between the knowledge of concepts and the knowledge of the
procedural steps involved with those concepts. His knowledge is organized in
his schema.
For example, if a person habitually hits the snooze button of his alarm clock
when the alarm goes off, and he wants to change this behavior, he needs to
retain his knowledge of the concept "alarm is going off", but incorporate this
concept into the new procedure of getting out of bed. The meaning or mental
interpretation of the procedure related to the concept "alarm went off" becomes
getting out of bed. The new mental interpretation is integrated into the
First, there is a rule. Then, there is an action.
New rule: When the alarm goes off, get out of bed.
New action: Get out of bed.
1. Knowledge and behavior. Is there a link?
There is a link between cues and behavior, but behavior is an indirect
indicator of the state of a person's knowledge structure.
A kind of knowledge about thinking and learning that guides strategies you use
to the learner so he can solve problems. You are your own "referee" in
weighing out your decisions.
2. Reality and rules
Learners interpret external reality based on individual experience.
Knowledge is based on the premise that we all construct our own perspective of
the world, using reflection of our individual experiences as a basis. We create
our own "rules" in order to make sense of our experiences. By adjusting our
mental models to incorporate our new experiences, we are experiencing the
process of learning.
3. Control of learner
Reality is internally controlled. This puts the learner in control of what he
learns and how he learn it. People create their own interpretation of objective
reality, based on his schema.
For example, if a student receives a `C' in a class, his reaction might be one
of satisfaction or failure, depending on his existing schema. If he grew up
with his parents stressing that grades are not important or that the grade of a
`C' is a pretty good grade, his schema has incorporated that knowledge. When he
receives a `C', he will feel satisfied.
In contrast, if he grew up with parents who viewed any grade lower than an `A'
as incompetent, his schema will reflect that. When he receives a `C', he will
feel like he was not successful.