Gender and Environment Research Network in Asia is a regional network which aims to promote the formation of an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural forum of researchers and organizations in the field of gender and environment. It is planned to build an Asian collegiality through sharing research findings, various approaches and methodologies, information about researchers and organizations in the field and through directly communicating with researchers and organizations. GERNA has received financial support from ASEAN-Canada Women's Initiative Fund (WIF), Canadian High Commission, Singapore.
Gender and Environment Research Network in AsiaThe formation of the network is based on the recognition of the following: the existing development mode has increasingly proved to be a major cause of environmental degradation; women are differentially affected by environmental degradation; women are not only victims of environmental degradation, but also play a significant role in environmental movements and the perspectives and needs of women are not adequately addressed. More systematic efforts are needed on understanding of women's knowledge and initiatives in natural resource management and environmental activities. Hence, there is need for close collaboration between researchers/action researchers and organizations in the region. GERNA's mission is to create an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural group of researchers and organizations engaged in exploring new development modes directed towards greater social, gender equity and environmental sustainability.
Major components of GERNA include:
- facilitating and promoting communication and cooperation between researchers and organizations through a computerized database on gender, technology, natural resources, rural and urban environment;
- establishing a regional information center to identify, analyze, compile, publish and distribute information in the field of gender and environment;
- strengthen the network through organizing regional meetings, workshops and seminars to identify gaps in existing research, and suggest measures for future research and policy interventions.
The database of organizations consists of about 100 research and academic institutes, development agencies, NGOs, people's movements and government agencies and more is being added. Review of literature covers 70 journal articles, books, book chapters, working papers and theses so far. For developing the database of individual researchers and experts a questionnaire survey is underway.
- Contact Address:
- By Email:
- By Tel: (66-2) 524-5671, 524-5668, 524-5698 or 516-0110 to 44 [ex.5671/5673]
- By Fax: (66-2) 516-2126 or 516 1418
- By post:
- Center for Gender and Development Studies (GENDEV)
- School of Environment, Resources and Development
- Asian Institute of Technology
- G.P.O. Box 2754
- Bangkok - 10501
- Thailand
Hari Srinivas -
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