Issues for Replication and Diffusion of Innovations
in Community Credit Mobilization and Microcredit Projects
- Build the innovative capacity of local leaders and organizations
- Support Experimentation.
- Identify and document innovative apporaches
- Disseminate innovative approaches in target areas
- "Celebrate" and publicize innovations internationally
- Create opportunity for peer-to-peer exchange
- Create a forum for policymakers to learn about the innovations and consider opportunities for upscaling them or incorporating them into policy.
- Bring together multisectoral groups around common problems or points of collaboration so that they may collectively generate, implement or replicate innovations.
- Create recognition for the adapter so that he/she can feel motivation similar to that experienced by the original innovator.
Tools available:
- awards programmes,
- press campaigns,
- placards, posters, notice boards,
- media exercises (photographs, video, flims, articles),
- non-formal activities: street dramas, etc.
- newsletters, bulletins
- documentation of case studies etc.
- formal and informal group meetings,
- forums/workshops,
- site visits,
- interviews,
- minigrants,
- internships,
- training in leadership and other organiational/operational skills
- surveys and other means of information gathering.
Yes, it is important, but how can awareness be built and information disseminated?
- Use the local media, neworks, private sector, academic and professional associations to disseminate the message to reach out to local constituencies and the community at large.
- Use local civic and political leaders to raise awareness on necessary legislative, instiutional or policy changes required to address the problem at hand.
- Keep abreast of (and also request for) information provided by other sources and networks - regional, national and international.
Abstracted from various primary and secondary sources
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