Development of a Housing Finance Triangle
Linking People's Organizations, NGOs, and Commercial Banks
in Developing Countries |
Hari Srinivas
Note that this Ph.D. abstract is an unedited, unapproved, first/draft version. Many changes were made before its final approval in June 1996. Besides, not all charts/images used have been included here.
The urban poor, with their low incomes, uncertain employment and low assets, have been
sidelined by commercial banks who do not find them bankable. In order to rectify this situation,
there is a need for a supportive role on the part of the government and commercial banks and a
streamlining developmental role on the part of community based financial initiatives. The
connecting link between these two actors is the NGO working in partnership with the
settlement- based people's organization and with sufficient expertise and commitment to play
the role of a mediator, animator and trainer. Together, the three - community groups (or People's
Organizations), NGOs and Banks - will form the nodes of a housing finance triangle which will
work in synchrony to generate and channel credit to the urban poor.
Abbreviations used:
ICM: Informal Credit Markets
IGP: Income Generating Programmes
MYRADA: Mysore Resettlement and Development
NABARD: National Bank for Agricultural and
Rural development
NGO: Non-Governmental Organization
NOVIB: Netherlandse Organisatie voor
P-ORG: People's Organization
PRADHAN: Professional Assistance for
Development Action.
RBI: Reserve Bank of India
SEWA: Self-Employed Women's Association.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
The objective of this chapter is to draw up a
basic introduction to (a) the topic (b) the thesis
objectives and (c) the contents of the thesis. It
contains a brief description of the issues of
housing finance in developing countries and the
role of informal credit markets as an
"alternative". It lays out the fundamental
objectives of the thesis research, including what
it is not going to do or suggest. An outline of the
report as a whole is also presented at the end of
the chapter.
Two key facts of urban informal credit
markets (ICMs) have been recognized by various
authors - one, that informal credit largely (though
not completely) serves the differing needs of
low-income families; two, that under the current
circumstances in which global/national credit
markets function, informal credit suppliers
function at a disadvantage and have several
shortcomings. This situation is compounded by
commercial banks which do not find low-income
families viable or "bankable" [Remenyi, 1991: x-xvi].
Various approaches have been attempted -
from the promulgation by banks of special and
targeted credit programmes towards the poor, to
active legislation which has attempted to curb the
functioning of ICM suppliers [ADB 1990: 193-201, Germidiss, 1991: 50-57, Vincent, 1995: 37-43 and Ghate 1988: 69-71]. This has only
worked to adversely affect the credit availability
for the urban poor. The basic premise that this
thesis stands on is that the functioning of the ICM
plays an important and beneficial role for the
needs of low-income families. There is a clear
match between their credit needs and the quality
and quantity of credit supplied by the ICM.
Three problems being addressed here are one,
shortcomings in the Bank-urban poor interface,
impeding government policies, need for NGOs
and people's organizations that encompasses the
low-income/low-asset holding position of the
poor as well as the perception of banks that the
poor are not bankable'. Considering the current
state of affairs, there is a need for a supportive
role on the part of the government and
commercial banks and a streamlining
developmental role on the part of the ICM
operators [Germidis, 1990: 214-239]. The
connecting link between these two actors is the
NGO (working in partnership with the
settlement- based people's organization)- with
sufficient expertise and commitment to play the
role of a mediator and trainer. Together, the three
will form the points of a housing finance
"triangle" which will work in synchrony to
channel credit to the urban poor.
Before this can happen, a number of key
questions have to be answered. What is the
quality and quantity of informal credit provided
by ICM operators? What is the viability of its
adaptation for credit delivery for low-income
groups? Most importantly, which of the informal
credit operators are best suited for this purpose?
What organizational structures do NGOs take?
How can institutions like banks co-opt informal
credit suppliers to provide credit for low-income
borrowers? If the three actors in the proposed
triangle - People's organizations, NGOs and
commercial banks - are to come together, what
would be the expectations of and from each
other? What are the inputs, throughputs and
outputs for each actors' decision making process?
What structural and policy changes need to be
taken for its participation in the triangle?
To summarize, the following will be the goals
and objectives of the study:
- Goal:
- To set up an enabling environment so that a
housing finance "triangle" incorporating
People's Organizations, NGOs and
Commercial Banks can function to form a
continuous process of credit delivery for
low-income households
- Objective ONE:
- To understand the forces and pressures that
are necessary in the formation of a people's
- To understand the process of informal credit
transactions for housing finance.
- To identify the current shortcomings under
which they operate.
- To explore ways and means by which these
can be removed.
- Objective TWO:
- To understand the process of credit loan
- To identify reasons for apathy/antipathy
towards informal credit markets.
- To explore ways and means of channeling
credit through informal suppliers.
- Objective THREE:
- To understand the process of NGO's
- To explore means of motivating and
mobilizing savings from the settlement
residents through NGOs
- To understand the role of NGOs in improving
the functioning of people's organization.
- To understand the role of NGOs in overall
community development.
Even though the Triangle's basic purpose is
the generation of finance for house building and
maintenance, the issues and problems of housing
per se are not covered here. The study takes the
approach of minimalistic credit' as opposed to
credit plus' [Adams, 1984: 8-10] for two reasons
- one, the people are capable of taking decisions
that directly affect their lives, and hence can
digest' credit to their satisfaction, and two, to
reduce the scope of the study itself to a
manageable level.
The primary study area is Bangalore city in
southern India, with case
studies drawn from
Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, Sri Lanka and
Thailand. Policies and
programmes of international
NGOs as well as the World
Bank and UN Agencies have
been adopted, subject to
their relevance to overall
objectives of the proposed triangle.
Current Problems
The objective of this chapter is to develop a
characterization of the thesis topic, and place the
problems being discussed in an urban poverty
perspective. Within the overall sphere of
influence of urban poverty in general, the
following issues are discussed:- Credit policies of the national/state
government, the National Housing Policy
of India
- Urban squatter settlements, urban poverty
in general, current thinking on the subject
and the circumstances that have led to such
a situation.
- Commercial banks, their position and point
of view, and their role in providing housing
finance in general (including the roles of
specialized financial institutions).
The basic issues to be analysed and the
problems being faced is outlined, and a case is
made for the need for a "new thinking" on the
issue, to be covered in the next chapter.
The problems being faced in housing,
infrastructure, credit, land and other sectors in
urban areas of Asia are a result of shortcomings
inherent in both the government and its various
agencies, as well as the urban poor themselves,
who are the focus of this Ph.D. research
[Germidis, 1991: 23-46, Remenyi, 1991: 8-13,
ADB, 1991: 30-35, Berdard, 1988: 2-24].
In 1800, only 50 million people lived in
towns and cities worldwide. By 1975 there were
1.5 billion, by the year 2000, this will be three
billion - more than the entire population on Earth
in 1960 [Megacities 2000, 1996: codex.html].
Due to a variety of push and pull factors,
millions of migrants arriving in urban areas find
no houses, no water supply, no sewerage, no
schools - and are ignored by the authorities. In
cities of most developing countries, 30 to 75
percent of the population work and live in
squatter settlements [Harody, 1989:118-120,
Smith, 1975:80-86, Turner, 1968:356-358,
Megacities 2000, 1996: codex.html].
Such a scenario also has ripple effects on
other sectors: education, health, labour/job
markets, and economic activity in general.
Services provided by the government are
insufficient and they do not reach low-income
groups forcing such groups to seek alternative
means to obtain services like housing, and other
network and social infrastructure [ADB, 1991:
235-239, UNDP, 1991: 14-22]. This is done by
their own means, often duplicating the
distribution mechanisms of the government.
As a result, two parallel sectors of economic
and social sectors have developed. A "formal
sector" provided for and managed by the
government and an "informal sector" which lies
outside the purview of the government and serves
primarily the low-income groups [Sanders,
1987:232-235, Sanyal: 1988: 68-75, Ghate,
1988:64-67]. While this is a very simplistic
explanation, it serves to understand the situation
of urban low-income groups.
An example of such economic duality is the
existence of a "formal" and "informal" financial
market that provides credit for a variety of
purposes, including housing. Informal credit has
been serving the needs of the population long
before the advent of popular banking system, but
a viable definition still needs to be developed
[Kui, 1985: 2-10].
The wide variety of informal finance
suppliers vary not only in their organizational and
operational aspects, but also by geographical
region, share of the financial market etc. But it is
precisely this heterogeneity that enables the
informal savings and credit activity to profitably
reach those income-groups not served by
commercial banks and other financial institutions
[Das-Gupta, 1989: 8-13, Srinivas, 1991: 44-47].
It is their informaility, adaptability and flexibility
of operations - characteristics which reduce their
transactions costs and confers upon them their
comparative advantage and economic rationale
[ADB, 1990: 187-188] Informality is
characterized by highly personalized loan
transactions entailing face-to-face dealings with
borrowers and flexibility in respect of loan
purpose, interest rates, collateral requirements,
maturity periods and debt rescheduling [Ghate,
1990: 2-4].
There is a clear need to understand the
functioning of these informal systems and the
ways in which they have co-opted low-income
borrowers. This would help develop effective
programmes that target such group and take all
local and potential resources into account.
The informal credit market represents a huge
network for the supply and demand of credit
outside the purview of the government, estimated
by various studies as 33-76 percent of the entire
money markets of Asian countries [ADB, 1990:
189]. In the absence of a concerted action and
inability of the government to serve the needs of
the low-income groups, the key lies in
recognizing and supporting the existing network
of credit delivery in such settlements and finding
ways and means to create an enabling
environment where they can function.
Thus, the question is not "how to link banks
and the informal credit market" but "how to create
an environment where banks and the informal
credit market can link". There is a need to
understand the various actors involved in the
process of credit mobilization and disbursal, and
their actions, motivations and expectations. The
interconnectedness of such actors/activities is
important to ensure that resources are channeled
to the most needy, and overlap, duplication and
irrelevant actions are avoided.
Overcoming existing attitudes and
impressions (for example, the poor cannot save'
or banks do not help low-income families' etc.)
is another critical aspect. Many times, it only
requires a change of viewpoint for an actor to
participate fully in the development process -
thus emphasizing the importance of mediation
and consultation between the various actors
[Langen and Abels, 1995: 4-10].
But why are existing efforts to link banks and
the low-income groups not working? There are
several reasons for this. They represent both
shortcomings and weaknesses within banks and
low-income groups, as well as
misunderstandings in their relationships, which
has resulted in mistrust and skepticism between
them [Germidis, 1991: 214-215].
This necessitates the mediation of a third
group which would bring them together to resolve
the differences: non-governmental organizations
or NGOs. A number of successful
examples all over Asia illustrate this linking, but
most have been few and far in between [Vincent,
1995: 409-419, de Groot, 1988: 23-32,
Germidis, 1991, 234-239, ADB, 1991: 100-103].
There is a need to increase such efforts and build
on existing resources and efforts already going
on to improve the situation and ensure
replicability [NABARD, 1992: 1-2, Rajshekar,
1993: 1-2].
Stimulus for an Alternative Approach: The
Informal Credit Markets
The objective of this chapter is to understand
the role of Informal credit markets (ICMs),
particularly the community based groups, and the
lessons that they can teach in setting up the
Triangle. The chapter contains detailed
descriptions of the different actors in the ICM:
money lenders, ROSCAs/chit funds, pawn
brokers, friends/relatives/neighbours, people's
organizations etc. An Asian perspective is taken,
with further specific details from India.
Discussions highlight the advantages and
disadvantages of ICM suppliers by studying their
operational and organizational characteristics,
as well as the key implications to the Triangle
proposed in the thesis. A review of existing
savings and credit programmes as well as its
design and development is also presented.
What are the features of informal credit that make
it attractive to low income households? There are
essentially 14 such features [Srinivas, 1991:112-116]:
- It does not require a license - most informal
suppliers work without an operating license
to supply money.
- It facilitates very small savings - small
amounts that can be saved daily.
- It is non-profit motivated - profit, if any, is
ploughed back into the community and its
- It has strong organizational structures -
community initiatives are usually part of the
well setup people's organization.
- It has multiple proprietorship - proprietorship
lies not with one or two persons, but the
group as a whole.
- It does not need collateral - collateral and
guarantees of repayment is ensured by, for
example, peer pressure.
- It provides localized services - at the door
step of the household, or within the
community itself.
- It has specific borrowers identified - most of
whom are members of the community.
- It has personalized services - the terms and
conditions under which loans are given are
tailor-made to the needs of its members.
- It has close informational links - between
members that ensure repayment.
- It has high repayment rates - the average
repayment rates for informal initiative has
been above 95%.
- It facilitates reciprocation of credit disbursal
- there is a give-and-take attitude, where
borrowers and lenders interchange their roles.
- It is not regulated by the central bank - with
respect to limits and restrictions, reporting
requirements etc.
- It encourages community participation in
other fields of development - the
participatory approach of informal initiatives
is easily replicable to a wide range of other
community development issues.
There are clearly many important issues in the
design of savings and credit programmes that can
take into account the organizational and
operational features of informal credit operations
that would ensure its success. Such suppliers,
including money lenders, rotating savings and
credit association (ROSCAs), pawn brokers,
friends/relatives/neighbours, and
community/people's organizations, are discussed
in greater detail to glean implications for
programme design. Programmes that have
successfully managed to incorporate different
actors and actions in generating credit are also
reviewed, as are policies of international agencies
and NGOs in working with local NGOs in
developing countries. This lays the foundation
for the next chapter where the Triangle
framework is developed as a hypothesis.
Framework of the Triangle
The objective of this chapter is to identify the
basic advantages of the concept of a "triangle" to
mobilize finance for housing. It is based on
similar triadic cooperative initiatives reviewed in
Chapter 4, including those specifically set up for
the purpose of credit. The actors involved in the
exercise, their actions, problems and pitfalls is
outlined. An introduction to the three phases of
the Triangle is presented: Pre-triangle
development, Triangle development, and
Post-triangle development. For each of these
phase, the immediate, intermediate and eventual
objectives is also be presented. The chapter
contributes to basic concepts and validity of the
Triangle, and develops a model hypothesis which
will be tested in Chapter 6.
The primary proposal being made here is a
model called the "Housing Finance Triangle"
where the bank, NGO, and a People's organization
(which represents the low-income groups as
members), form nodes of the triangle. A number
of such basic triangular models form a network.
One bank and NGO may "adopt" three to six
settlements represented by the people's
organization for a number of credit-related
There are various models of linkages between
the three primary nodes. The following models
can be observed in India [Nanda, 1994: 4-6]:
MODEL I: Bank-People's organization with
active support of NGO |
MODEL II: Bank-People's organization |
MODEL III: Bank-NGO-People's organization |
The most common linkage model in India is
where the banks deal directly with individual
People's organizations. In case of most of these
organizations, the NGO had provided the initial
training, guidance to members in organizing
themselves into thrift and credit groups. In many
cases, the NGO had also provided some initial
financial support to these organizations to
augment their resources.. The NGO also keeps a
watch and ensures satisfactory functioning of the
People's organizations even after the linkage.
While linkage of the banks is direct with the
People's organizations, the NGO has an important
role in pre- as well as post-linkage stages.
A slight variant to Model 1 is where Banks have
provided financial support to People's
organizations which had grown almost
spontaneously without any intervention of an
NGO. The People's organizations were initially
setup on the basis of a common activity, problem
and took up thrift and credit activities. The cases
of such linkages are of course not very common
In this model, the NGO have taken the role of a
financial intermediary between the banks and a
number of People's organizations. The NGOs take
up such responsibilities only in respect of the
groups promoted/nurtured by them. The NGO
accepts the contractual responsibility for
repayment of the loan to the bank. In this respect
it is an indirect linkage support to the People's
organizations. This model is quite common.
Most savings and credit programmes in India
have followed one of three approaches: the top-down approach, bottoms-up approach and the
cocoon approach. While the nomenclature is
widely used in various fields, its relevance to
credit programmes was specifically covered in
[Rajshekar, 1993, Vincent, 1995, Nanda, 1994,
Germidis, 1990, Gupta, 1987, Timberg, 1984].
Brochures, annual reports and other secondary
material, and interviews, personal
communications etc. were also used to develop
this typology of approaches. The top-down
approach are those where the implementing
agencies have been the central bank and various
other commercial banks and specialized financial
institutions. They have designed and developed
programmes to link up with local community
groups and NGOs [E.g. NABARD, Vysya Bank
etc.]. The bottoms-up approach are those where
local community groups have attempted to link
up with banks and other institutional resources to
generate finance [e.g. SEWA, MYRADA,
PRADHAN etc.]. The cocoon approach are those
where communities have cocooned themselves
from any form of external support or influence
and generated finance from within their own
resources [examples can be found in almost every
The fundamental flaw in all three approaches
has been the insensitivity of the implementing
agency towards the target' institutions or groups.
There was no clear participatory decision-making
process. Efforts that took the potential resources
of various primary and secondary actors into
account were lacking, leading to only partial
success or lack of replicability. Mediation and
consultation would have been useful to generate
interest and commitment - missing features in the
above approaches.
The approach being taken here is that of a
middle path that incorporates the advantages of
the above three approaches and at the same time
attempts to mitigate their shortcomings. The role
of any one of the primary nodes is to mediate in
the problems, shortcomings and mistrust between
the other two nodes - and hence the need for a
The creation of the housing finance triangle
cannot be done in one stretch, but has to be
developed in several stages, taking into account
the existing problems and shortcomings and the
unique situation of each local triangle. The goal
of the triangle is to raise the credit worthiness of
the low-income groups to a level that makes
them attractive to commercial banks and brings
them into the mainstream credit market.
Training for financial/credit activity,
education in basic banking procedures,
encouraging savings among the members,
rotating them among the members to serve those
in need of credit and to deposit the savings in
banks, are some of the activities of the triangle.
Specific inputs can come, for example, from each
of the nodes [Srinivas, 1995: 90] :
- NGOs: management skills, workshops and
seminars in financial aspects, training in group
dynamics, monitoring and evaluation etc.
- Banks: Group loans, policy, programme and
project implementation, support and
coordinations etc.
- People's organizations: joint liabilities and
guarantees, collective savings, leadership, sharing
experiences/ideas, information dissemination
through meetings, field visits, support and
While the above activities are only a sample,
it is clear that a number of secondary actors are
also necessary that support and supplement the
activities of the three nodes. The interlinkages
and position of these secondary is shown in the
Folding Star. [ Click here for an image of the Folding Star ].
The Folding Star,
developed by David C. Lane of London School of
Economics, is a tetrahedron framework structure
derived from mainstream operational research and
management systems simulation techniques
[Lane, 1995: 111- 130]. The advantage of the
framework is its ability to position actors and
interlink them with their roles and activities. It is
able to demonstrate, in different stages by
folding' over symmetrically, the respective
strengths and weakness of a programme - and
generate ideas by interlikages between two actors
or actions or by the significance of a greater'
triangle that may encompass more than one
triangle. The star's various points are designated
by each actor - which fold over inwards in three
stages or levels, so that finally only the basic triad
remains. The folding serves two functions - first,
it allows the withdrawal of secondary actors from
the triangle after they have carried out their
activities; second, it strengthens the basic triangle
in its simplest form allowing for replicability.
Validation from the Field
The objective of this chapter is to analyze the
opinions of structured interviews made during the
field study. An analyses of the opinions, their
relative effect on the structure of the Triangle
hypothesized in Chapter 5. Opinions on existing
savings and credit programmes that followed the
three approaches - top-down, bottoms-up and
the cocoon approach were also solicited.
Practical considerations and opinions by actual
actors will be used in later chapters for
developing the Triangle. During the field work,
conducted in Bangalore, India during
November-December, 1995, the following
respondents were interviewed for their views:
bank managers, NGOs, people's groups leaders,
social workers, academicians, researchers and
A total of 12 programmes were evaluated for
their organizational and operational features.
Their interlinkages with actors and actions was
overlaid on the hypothetical Triangle of
developed in Chapter 5. Three examples of an
NGO, Bank, and people's
organization is presented here.
Besides validating the Triangle, the field
work highlighted many important components of
the Triangle:
þ The three nodes are functioning
organizations and hence need to develop
specificity in their participation in the
Triangle. Thus -
- The P-ORG should have a credit front'
facing the triangle with sensitized
members, trained leaders and staff. The
other activities of P-ORGs would
include income-generating projects
(IGPs), education, health, sanitation.
- The NGO should have a savings and
credit front' facing the triangle, with
trained professional/motivated field
staff and resources. The other activities
include IGPs (training, workshops,
meetings), education, health, sanitation
- The Bank should have a low-income
groups front' with an Urban Technical
Officer who works as an interface
between the bank and the Triangle.
In activating the nodes, it is also important to
understand the external factors that affect and
influence its functioning and participation. Two main components of the
people's organizations activities which have to be
extensively supported by both NGOs and banks
are its organizational development and the
savings and credit programme.
Organizational development |
Savings and credit programme |
identification and training; organizational bye-laws and constitution; procedure for
group/community meetings; communication
methodologies; vision/goals development;
decision-making process and responsibilities
etc. |
credit loan
terms and conditions, (from internal savings,
from bank's group loans, from equity
participation); grants from NGO for development;
training in financial management (book keeping,
records etc. ); dispute resolution, auditing and
reporting, evaluation and monitoring etc.
The Three Nodes: Banks, NGOs and People's
The objective of this chapter is to outline the
roles being played by each node of the Triangle:
the Commercial Bank Node, the NGO Node and
the People's Organization node. It also aims to
understand the dynamics of the interrelationships
between the three nodes of the Triangle from
monadic, dyadic and triadic view-points.
The potentials and pitfalls of each node,
commercial bank node, NGOs node, and the
People's Organization node, is presented within
their current organizational and operational
setups. The role and contribution of the actors,
their spheres of influence, the secondary actors
and policies/programmes that affect the nodes
and the Triangle as a whole is covered.
The three dyads in the Triangle, the
NGO-People's Organization dyad, the
Bank-NGO dyad, and the People's
Organization-Bank dyad are analysed. Its
shortcomings are brought out and ways and
means of reducing them are explored. This
understanding is then elevated to a triadic one by
combining the three dyads.
An interesting feature of the triangle that
emerges is the existence of greater triangles'
within the triangle framework. This concept of
greater triangles is useful in defining the role and
focus of the secondary actors in the third and
second levels. There are three such greater
triangles, each of which relates to one of the
primary nodes:
The P-ORG Greater Triangle
The NGO Greater Triangle
The Bank Greater Triangle
This triangle
consists of the bank staff training colleges, the
national central bank (Reserve Bank of India) and
various specialized financial institutions. The key
input that these secondary actors provide is that
of advice and counsel with an aim to incubate
development of the people's organization as a
viable community finance organization.
This triangle
consists of the Urban Development Boards, Slum
Clearance Board, and governmental and
legislative bodies. The key input that they
provide to the triangle is support and relief. The
aim of these secondary actors is to support the
community development initiatives of the NGO.
This greater
triangle consists of community networks, the
International NGO, and various research and
training institutions. The key input that these
actors provide the commercial bank is negotiation
and reconciliation with an aim to mediate with
commercial banks to induce their participation
and support the people's organization in order to
be pro-people'.
The development of the triangle is a gradual
process that develops trust and confidence among
the various primary and secondary actors to
participate fully and perform their roles
optimally. With this in mind, the development
process is divided into three stages, which
synchronizes with the three levels of the
secondary actors in the triangle. The three stages
are: initiation, consolidation, and
institutionalization. [ Click here for an image of the three stages. ]
Stage I: Initiation
In stage one, the triangle is fully open with all
actors participating. The primary focus of this
stage is on savings. As the community
organizationally develops, it has to demonstrate
its ability to save regularly into a central fund that
is created at the community level (with Savings
First!' as a slogan). The NGO may provide block
grants to this central fund, either to raise the
equity levels, or to fund developmental activities
of the community. Thus the NGO also focusses
for its part on social welfare issues to raise
awareness and increase participation among the
community residents. At this stage, the bank is an
observer, watching the proceedings of community
development and understanding the dynamics of
Stage II: Consolidation
During the stage of consolidation, the
community has metamorphosed into a people's
organization with regular meetings where
discussions and decisions are taken care of, and
the future activities are charted. In the Triangle,
the Level 3 actors will have folded over Level 2,
leaving the Slum Clearance Board and the
International NGO as secondary actors. With
further increase in the central funds of the
organization, small loans are now made to
members in need of finance. The focus of this
stage is to develop the credit-worthiness of the
members. The NGO plays the role of a mediator
bringing various actors together to interact with
the people's organization. The bank upgrades its
role from that of an observer to a supporter. It
helps in the loan making process, keeping records
and advises in disputes etc.
Stage III: Institutionalization
Here the level 2 actors will have overlaid on
the level 1 - leaving only the primary three actors
in the triangle - the people's organization, NGO
and the bank. As the NGO withdraws, only the
link between the bank and people's organization
remains. The focus of this stage is on making the
people's organization bankworthy. The NGO has
begun to gradually withdraw and is only involved
in consultations with the people's organization
and the bank. The bank itself has upgraded its
role from that of a supporter to a participant - it
now makes group loans to small groups of five to
ten borrowers simultaneously when loan sizes are
small and are for upgradation, repairs,
maintenance purposes. On recommendation from
the leaders of the community, it may provide
individual loans directly to member when they
are sufficiently large, for example for capital
investment in microenterprises.
The vision that this research stands on is the
fact that the poor will never remain poor for ever.
Personal and community economic development
will take place, sufficient to a position and level
for them to be able to purchase the kind of
lifestyle they aspire for. With this in mind, the
process of concretization of the triangle envisages
its development as a neighbourhood bank,
incorporating all the unique features it evolved
from, but sufficiently institutionalized to satisfy
the banking rules and norms prescribed.
Ordinary commercial banks can then take care
of large loans and investment portfolios, leaving
the day-to-day money and credit matters to the
neighbourhood - much as a supermarket caters to
bulk and speciality goods, and the corner
convenience store to quick daily needs of a
household. If we were to develop the conceptual
'becoming' of the neighbourhood bank, then the before image below
would show the existing situation
before the Triangle starts to function, where
banks cater to the higher income groups and the
lower income households resort to the informal
sector for their credit needs; and
the after image would show the institutional realignment after the
Triangle has completed its functions, where the
'higher' and 'lower' income groups are replaced by
the 'middle' income group, and neighbourhood
banks cater to the immediate day-to-day needs. [Click here for the 'before-after' images]
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