The Price of a Dream: Written as a story, The Price of a Dream traces the history of the Grameen Bank from Muhammad Yunus's early experiments in 1976 to the present day -- when it has become a network with 1,050 branch offices in 35,000 villages, reaching more than 2 million villagers. The book is full of many colorful interviews with villagers and members of the Grameen Bank management and staff, including Muhammad Yunus. The Price of a Dream looks at how the Grameen Bank developed as an institution, solving its own problems, and how it handled repayment problems, natural disasters, all the while preserving itself as an institution with a high level of integrity and commitment. (There are 25 photographs in the book.)
The Story of the Grameen Bank and the Idea
that is Helping the Poor Change Their Livesby David Bornstein - DNB111@AOL.COM
The book is vailable at bookstores in the U.S. and Canada. Phone orders in the U.S: 1-800-223-2336. Fax: 1-800-445-6991.
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Hari Srinivas -
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