Micro-finance and Local Development
by Joël Lebossé
Institut de Formation en Developpment Economique Communautaire (IFDEC), based in Quebec and the OECD have partnered to bring out a publication titled, "Micro-finance and Local Development". It looks at various issues of microfinance, community economic development, small enterprises etc. focussed on industrialized OECD countries. It also looks at microfinance with a need to create conditions that will enable excluded borrowers to become bankable again, and to make social performance compatible with economic efficiency. It also recommends strategies for making microfinance profitable, and emphasizes on the need for depositor savings. English and French versions are bundled together in one book.
- "Microfinance and Local Development" is available directly from IFDEC and in bookstores selling OECD publications, for USD 20. For further information, please contact IFDEC at:
- 420, rue St. Paul Est, 2e etage,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tel: 1-514-281-2081
Fax: 1-514-281-5010
Email: info@ifdec.qc.ca
Web: http://www.ifdec.qc.ca/
Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org
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