"Business as Usual" is the outcome of research conducted by the author, aimed at understanding the process of growth of small-scale contractors in developing countries, and the constraints and opportunities they face. Four elements were choosen for analysis, credit being one of them. The data collected and analysed relates to informal systems and includes case-studies on a number of informal credit systems - many of them quite ingenious - used by small-scale (often poor) contractors to bypass the lack of formal credit and maintain their business.
Business as Usual: small-scale contractors and the production of low-cost housing
in developing countriesby Edmundo Werna - edwerna@usp.br (1996)
- Contact addresses:
- Dr. Edmundo Werna
School of Urban Development and Policy
South Bank University
Wandsworth Road
London SW8 2JZ - EnglandThe book can be ordered from AVEBURY Publishers, and the address is:
Ashgate Distribution Services
Gower House
Croft Road, Aldershot, Hants, GU11 3HR, England
fax: + 44 1252 344405
tel: + 44 1252 331551The book reference is 1 85972 354 3
The price for the hardback is 32,50 British pounds. (unfortunately the publishers have not issued a paper back copy).
Hari Srinivas - hsrinivas@gdrc.org
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