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Publications from the
Urban Heritage and Conservation Programme

GDRC Docs Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change: An initial exploration
Case Study Series E-184. December 2022
Urban Heritage Strategies of Japan: Lessons for Countries in the Asia Pacific Region
Case Study Series E-209.
Preserving Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis: The Significance and Symbolism of the Blue Shield Emblem
Case Study Series C-021.
A Sense of Place: Significance of Emotional Connections and Identity in Heritage Conservation
Concept Note Series C-044
Cultural Diplomacy: Heritage Conservation and the Festivals of Ogaki, Japan
Research Notes Series E-200. August 2023.
Conservation and Preservation in Planning Processes: Historical Districts of Kyoto, Japan
Case Study Series E-164. August 2022
Heritage and Conservation Strategies: Understanding the Justifications and Implications
Policy Analysis Series E-100. April 2020
Prioritizing Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region
Concept Note Series E-045.
Mediation for Urban Conservation: The Case of Imai-cho, Japan
Management Tools Series E-046.
Towards Developing a Plan of Action for Heritage Conservation
Policy Analysis Series E-049.
Heritage Listings: The Beginnings of a Heritage Conservation Strategy
Management Tools Series E-050.
Financing for Urban Heritage and Conservation
Policy Analysis Series E-051.

View all publications produced by GDRC's 15 research programmes
List of future publications under preperation

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