"Far from separating us, cultural diversity is a collective strength, which should benefit the entire world. In this sense, it should be recognized and affirmed as a 'Common Heritage' of Humanity. " - UNESCO, Lead UN Agency for the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Further to the adoption of UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in November 2001, the General Assembly of the United Nations has proclaimed 21 May, 2004 as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.
Emphasizing the need to enhance the potential of culture as a means of achieving propsperity, sustainable development and global peaceful coexistence, the General Assembly, no 20 December 2002, proclaimed 21 May the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (resolution 57/249).
Acting during the closing days of the United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage (2002), the Assembly recognized the cose link between protecting cultural diversity and the larger framework of the dialogue among civilizations.
Diversity Day, officially known as "The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development", is an opportunity to help our communities to understand the value of cultural diversity and learn how to live together in harmony.
The Day is intended to provide individuals and groups worldwide with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the values of Cultural Diversity and to learn to "live together" better.
Further information:
- Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue
- 1 rue Miollis
- 75732 Paris Cedex 15
- email: m.chiba@unesco.org
Additional Resources:
GDRC has been working on themes related to this international day/observance, in the water section of its programme on Urban Heritage and Conservation.
GDRC reaffirms its committment to uphold the objectives of the World Day for Cultural Diversity, and work towards better understanding of, and action on, the values and norms that make up our cultural heritage, and its crticality for development.