40.1. In sustainable development, everyone is a user and provider of information
considered in the broad sense. That includes data, information, appropriately packaged
experience and knowledge. The need for information arises at all levels, from that of
senior decision makers at the national and international levels to the grass-roots and
individual levels. The following two programme areas need to be implemented to ensure that
decisions are based increasingly on sound information:
- Bridging the data gap;
- Improving information availability.
A. Bridging the data gap
Basis for action
40.2. While considerable data already exist, as the various sectoral chapters of Agenda
21 indicate, more and different types of data need to be collected, at the local,
provincial, national and international levels, indicating the status and trends of the
planet's ecosystem, natural resource, pollution and socio-economic variables. The gap in
the availability, quality, coherence, standardization and accessibility of data between
the developed and the developing world has been increasing, seriously impairing the
capacities of countries to make informed decisions concerning environment and development.
40.3. There is a general lack of capacity, particularly in developing countries, and in
many areas at the international level, for the collection and assessment of data, for
their transformation into useful information and for their dissemination. There is also
need for improved coordination among environmental, demographic, social and developmental
data and information activities.
40.4. Commonly used indicators such as the gross national product (GNP) and
measurements of individual resource or pollution flows do not provide adequate indications
of sustainability. Methods for assessing interactions between different sectoral
environmental, demographic, social and developmental parameters are not sufficiently
developed or applied. Indicators of sustainable development need to be developed to
provide solid bases for decision-making at all levels and to contribute to a
self-regulating sustainability of integrated environment and development systems.
40.5. The following objectives are important:
- To achieve more cost-effective and relevant data collection and assessment by better
identification of users, in both the public and private sectors, and of their information
needs at the local, provincial, national and international levels;
- To strengthen local, provincial, national and international capacity to collect and use
multisectoral information in decision-making processes and to enhance capacities to
collect and analyse data and information for decision-making, particularly in developing
- To develop or strengthen local, provincial, national and international means of ensuring
that planning for sustainable development in all sectors is based on timely, reliable and
usable information;
- To make relevant information accessible in the form and at the time required to
facilitate its use. Activities
- Development of indicators of sustainable development
40.6. Countries at the national
level and international governmental and non-governmental organizations at the
international level should develop the concept of indicators of sustainable development in
order to identify such indicators. In order to promote the increasing use of some of those
indicators in satellite accounts, and eventually in national accounts, the development of
indicators needs to be pursued by the Statistical Office of the United Nations
Secretariat, as it draws upon evolving experience in this regard.
- Promotion of global use of indicators of sustainable development
40.7. Relevant
organs and organizations of the United Nations system, in cooperation with other
international governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, should
use a suitable set of sustainable development indicators and indicators related to areas
outside of national jurisdiction, such as the high seas, the upper atmosphere and outer
space. The organs and organizations of the United Nations system, in coordination with
other relevant international organizations, could provide recommendations for harmonized
development of indicators at the national, regional and global levels, and for
incorporation of a suitable set of these indicators in common, regularly updated, and
widely accessible reports and databases, for use at the international level, subject to
national sovereignty considerations.
- Improvement of data collection and use
40.8. Countries and, upon request,
international organizations should carry out inventories of environmental, resource and
developmental data, based on national/global priorities for the management of sustainable
development. They should determine the gaps and organize activities to fill those gaps.
Within the organs and organizations of the United Nations system and relevant
international organizations, data-collection activities, including those of Earthwatch and
World Weather Watch, need to be strengthened, especially in the areas of urban air,
freshwater, land resources (including forests and rangelands), desertification, other
habitats, soil degradation, biodiversity, the high seas and the upper atmosphere.
Countries and international organizations should make use of new techniques of data
collection, including satellite-based remote sensing. In addition to the strengthening of
existing development-related data collection, special attention needs to be paid to such
areas as demographic factors, urbanization, poverty, health and rights of access to
resources, as well as special groups, including women, indigenous peoples, youth, children
and the disabled, and their relationships with environment issues.
- Improvement of methods of data assessment and analysis
40.9. Relevant international
organizations should develop practical recommendations for coordinated, harmonized
collection and assessment of data at the national and international levels. National and
international data and information centres should set up continuous and accurate
data-collection systems and make use of geographic information systems, expert systems,
models and a variety of other techniques for the assessment and analysis of data. These
steps will be particularly relevant, as large quantities of data from satellite sources
will need to be processed in the future. Developed countries and international
organizations, as well as the private sector, should cooperate, in particular with
developing countries, upon request, to facilitate their acquiring these technologies and
this know-how.
- Establishment of a comprehensive information framework
40.10. Governments should
consider undertaking the necessary institutional changes at the national level to achieve
the integration of environmental and developmental information. At the international
level, environmental assessment activities need to be strengthened and coordinated with
efforts to assess development trends.
- Strengthening of the capacity for traditional information
40.11. Countries, with the
cooperation of international organizations, should establish supporting mechanisms to
provide local communities and resource users with the information and know-how they need
to manage their environment and resources sustainably, applying traditional and indigenous
knowledge and approaches when appropriate. This is particularly relevant for rural and
urban populations and indigenous, women's and youth groups.
Means of implementation
- Financing and cost evaluation
40.12. The secretariat of the Conference has estimated
the average total annual cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme
to be about $1.9 billion from the international community on grant or concessional terms.
These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional,
will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decide
upon for implementation.
- (b) Institutional means
40.13. Institutional capacity to integrate environment and
development and to develop relevant indicators is lacking at both the national and
international levels. Existing institutions and programmes such as the Global
Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) and the Global Resource Information Database (GRID)
within UNEP and different entities within the systemwide Earthwatch will need to be
considerably strengthened. Earthwatch has been an essential element for
environment-related data. While programmes related to development data exist in a number
of agencies, there is insufficient coordination between them. The activities related to
development data of agencies and institutions of the United Nations system should be more
effectively coordinated, perhaps through an equivalent and complementary "Development
Watch", which with the existing Earthwatch should be coordinated through an
appropriate office within the United Nations to ensure the full integration of environment
and development concerns.
- Scientific and technological means
- 40.14. Regarding transfer of technology, with the rapid evolution of data-collection and
information technologies it is necessary to develop guidelines and mechanisms for the
rapid and continuous transfer of those technologies, particularly to developing countries,
in conformity with chapter 34 (Transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation
and capacity-building), and for the training of personnel in their utilization.
- Human resource development
40.15. International cooperation for training in all areas
and at all levels will be required, particularly in developing countries. That training
will have to include technical training of those involved in data collection, assessment
and transformation, as well as assistance to decision makers concerning how to use such
- Capacity-building
40.16. All countries, particularly developing countries, with the
support of international cooperation, should strengthen their capacity to collect, store,
organize, assess and use data in decision-making more effectively.
B. Improving availability of information
Basis for action
40.17. There already exists a wealth of data and information that could be used for the
management of sustainable development. Finding the appropriate information at the required
time and at the relevant scale of aggregation is a difficult task.
40.18. Information within many countries is not adequately managed, because of
shortages of financial resources and trained manpower, lack of awareness of the value and
availability of such information and other immediate or pressing problems, especially in
developing countries. Even where information is available, it may not be easily
accessible, either because of the lack of technology for effective access or because of
associated costs, especially for information held outside the country and available
40.19. Existing national and international mechanisms of information processing and
exchange, and of related technical assistance, should be strengthened to ensure effective
and equitable availability of information generated at the local, provincial, national and
international levels, subject to national sovereignty and relevant intellectual property
40.20. National capacities should be strengthened, as should capacities within
Governments, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in information
handling and communication, particularly within developing countries.
40.21. Full participation of, in particular, developing countries should be ensured in
any international scheme under the organs and organizations of the United Nations system
for the collection, analysis and use of data and information.
- Production of information usable for decision-making
40.22. Countries and
international organizations should review and strengthen information systems and services
in sectors related to sustainable development, at the local, provincial, national and
international levels. Special emphasis should be placed on the transformation of existing
information into forms more useful for decision-making and on targeting information at
different user groups. Mechanisms should be strengthened or established for transforming
scientific and socio-economic assessments into information suitable for both planning and
public information. Electronic and non-electronic formats should be used.
- Establishment of standards and methods for handling information
40.23. Governments
should consider supporting the efforts of governmental as well as non-governmental
organizations to develop mechanisms for efficient and harmonized exchange of information
at the local, national, provincial and international levels, including revision and
establishment of data, access and dissemination formats, and communication interfaces.
- Development of documentation about information
40.24. The organs and organizations of
the United Nations system, as well as other governmental and non-governmental
organizations, should document and share information about the sources of available
information in their respective organizations. Existing programmes, such as those of the
Advisory Committee for the Coordination of Information Systems (ACCIS) and the
International Environmental Information System (INFOTERRA), should be reviewed and
strengthened as required. Networking and coordinating mechanisms should be encouraged
between the wide variety of other actors, including arrangements with non-governmental
organizations for information sharing and donor activities for sharing information on
sustainable development projects. The private sector should be encouraged to strengthen
the mechanisms of sharing its experience and information on sustainable development.
- Establishment and strengthening of electronic networking capabilities
Countries, international organizations, including organs and organizations of the United
Nations system, and non-governmental organizations should exploit various initiatives for
electronic links to support information sharing, to provide access to databases and other
information sources, to facilitate communication for meeting broader objectives, such as
the implementation of Agenda 21, to facilitate intergovernmental negotiations, to monitor
conventions and efforts for sustainable development to transmit environmental alerts, and
to transfer technical data. These organizations should also facilitate the linkage of
different electronic networks and the use of appropriate standards and communication
protocols for the transparent interchange of electronic communications. Where necessary,
new technology should be developed and its use encouraged to permit participation of those
not served at present by existing infrastructure and methods. Mechanisms should also be
established to carry out the necessary transfer of information to and from non-electronic
systems to ensure the involvement of those not able to participate in this way.
- Making use of commercial information sources
40.26. Countries and international
organizations should consider undertaking surveys of information available in the private
sector on sustainable development and of present dissemination arrangements to determine
gaps and how those gaps could be filled by commercial or quasi-commercial activity,
particularly activities in and/or involving developing countries where feasible. Whenever
economic or other constraints on supplying and accessing information arise, particularly
in developing countries, innovative schemes for subsidizing such information-related
access or removing the non-economic constraints should be considered.
Means of implementation
- Financing and cost evaluation
40.27. The secretariat of the Conference has estimated
the average total annual cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme
to be about $165 million from the international community on grant or concessional terms.
These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by
Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional,
will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decide
upon for implementation.
- Institutional means
40.28. The institutional implications of this programme concern
mostly the strengthening of already existing institutions, as well as the strengthening of
cooperation with non-governmental organizations, and need to be consistent with the
overall decisions on institutions made by the United Nations Conference on Environment and
- Capacity-building
40.29. Developed countries and relevant international organizations
should cooperate, in particular with developing countries, to expand their capacity to
receive, store and retrieve, contribute, disseminate, use and provide appropriate public
access to relevant environmental and developmental information, by providing technology
and training to establish local information services and by supporting partnership and
cooperative arrangements between countries and on the regional or subregional level.
- Scientific and technological means
40.30. Developed countries and relevant
international organizations should support research and development in hardware, software
and other aspects of information technology, in particular in developing countries,
appropriate to their operations, national needs and environmental contexts.